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Dear you,

When you feel like there is nobody

And the whole world is against you.

When you feel like there is no hope

No faith


When you are alone and nothing is there to help.

Nobody understands you

Nobody ever will

Because you aren't weird

Or odd or not normal

You are you!

Just, nobody else feels that way...

Please, stay in there. The clouds will pass and the sun will shine through. A page will turn in the book and there will be a whole new adventure! Someone will find you, and take care of you. It may take a while but it will happen. Even if you have to find that person, they will be waiting for you.

You are fantastic and without you, the world would be incomplete. Some may not like you as much as everyone else, but there will always be someone who does (love you).

Stay strong, and don't give up.


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