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Darling you,

Do you ever feel so much hate for someone that it hurts?

Or, you angry and them because you're jealous and really, they did nothing wrong.

Do you ever like someone so much that when you see them looking, talking, or hanging out with other people that it makes you cry?

Do you ever get shocked when your good friend is defending your enemy?

Do you ever mess up so bad that it causes your friend group to skit in half. Making those to choose between you, or them?

And because of that split, your crush is now dating someone in your friend group.

Dearest you,

This is the mistake that Bot made in two days.

She broke apart several friendships she had with others. Her emotions are so all over the place she doesn't know how to handle it. Bot is now known as 'syco girl' from her actions.

Darlings, please.

Don't make Bots mistakes. Forget about things and move on and don't bother things.

Don't hit or trow your jacket at people. Don't scream at them and then throw stuff. Don't break apart friendships because of your jealousy.

Be safe and be wise my darling.

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