Chapter 2

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Katniss P.O.V.

After I take a bath and get dressed, I walk downstairs to find Peeta standing in the kitchen holding my bow and sheath of arrows.

"Thought you might wanna go hunting today," Peeta says as he hands me my bow and arrows.

"Thank you," I reply as I take the sheath and sling it over my shoulder followed by my bow.

"You're welcome," Peeta says as he walks over to me. "Don't forget this," he says as he pins my mockingjay pin to my shirt on the place right over my heart. I smile so big that my cheeks start to hurt after a few seconds. I lace on my boots and fling my game bag over the same shoulder that my bow and arrows is on.

When we're at the door getting ready to leave, Peeta takes my game bag, bow, and arrows off my shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I ask hoping that he hasn't changed his mind about hunting.

"Here," he says as he takes my fathers hunting jacket off the coat hanger and helps me put it on.

"Thank you," I say appreciatively. "Can't go hunting without it."

"Is that you were getting ready to walk out the door and leave it here?" Peeta teases. I roll my eyes as I laugh. Peeta picks up the game bag, and I reposition my bow and sheath of arrows on my shoulder. As soon as my bow is flung back over my shoulder we head out the door.

As we pass by the half-standing train station I can't help but wonder if anybody's coming in today. No one hardly comes through here anymore. Just reporters or photographers to get a glimpse of what has become of 12. They probably take what little information that they learn back to their District for entertainment or something. At first everybody talked about trying to rebuild 12. They quickly gave up on the idea and they all left, which is fine by me.

I like it that way. We have to send in special orders on the train if we want anything such as clothes, food, medicine, but that's not a big hassle. We just write our name and what we want and give it to the conductor of the train. The only problem is you have to know when to catch it because the train only stays here an hour each time it stops. Once at day and once at night. The rest of the time the train stays in the Capitol until it's time to start the next day.

With me, Peeta, and Haymitch being the only people actually living in District 12, it provides me with a safe haven. A place for me and Peeta to safely start a family without ever having to worry about our kids being reaped every year for the awful Games. When I think about this it provides me with a sense of security. Me and Peeta must be thinking about the same thing because just as I am about to speak, he takes the words right out of my mouth.

"Why don't we actually get married?" Peeta asks as he slips his hand into mine.

"I was thinking the same thing," I say squeezing his hand. "The only problem is how? I mean there's no Justice Building anymore. We could still do the little ritual but it wouldn't be the same without anyone to celebrate with."

"Let's ask Haymitch to marry us," Peeta suggests.

"Haymitch?" I laugh. "I don't think Haymitch is necessarily qualified to marry us."

"Why not?" Peeta asks. "I mean the only people living here now is us three. Who says we can't make our own rules?" he asks.

"Alright," I say happily as I kiss Peeta on the lips. "Lets do it. Lets get married." Peeta starts going the other direction, but I grab his arm. "But first, lets go hunting," I say smiling.

"Fine," Peeta says as he laughs and rolls his eyes. So hand in hand we go walking towards the Meadow.

When we finally reach our destination we break off and take two different paths. Peeta goes one way to gather, and I go the other way to hunt.

"We'll meet back here in two hours so we can have enough time to cook some of it for lunch," Peeta says as he turns around and walks off in his direction.

By the time the two hours is almost up, I have four squirrels, two rabbits, and a few birds. I'm about to start walking back to our meeting spot when a haunting voice from behind me stops me dead in my tracks.

"Hey Catnip."

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