Chapter Six- Negotiations

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Alyss knew that if looks could kill, Sadon would have been dead by now. Realizing this for himself, he backed off. She turned back to the jerk -prince- she mentally corrected herself. His name was Prince Merek of Alternor, and he'd apparently found someone else to give him directions to the castle. All she knew now was that she had to act like everything was normal, and maybe he'd catch on. 

Alyss graciously invited him to sit at the table, and after a brief hesitation, one that no one but she seemed to notice, he graciously accepted. She exhaled a small sigh of relief and was comforted by the reassuring look Sadon sent her way.

The rest of dinner was filled with food and meaningless small talk that Alyss and the King and Queen excelled at. Prince Merek behaved the same way, although he seemed like a different person altogether from the man she'd met in the woods. He seemed like another one of the brainless nobles that she met at other events she was forced to attend, like this one, for instance. 

He was...boring. At least he appeared to be. However, Alyss knew that he could kill her in an instant with the same device he had used on the man in the woods. She pulled herself away from her thoughts as she heard the Queen give her a command. "Alyss, you will show the Prince," She paused to smile warmly at him, "around the castle. We are sure he will enjoy that."

Oh, the perpetual "we," Alyss thought, trying her best not to roll her eyes. Prince Merek returned her warm smile. "Of course. I would be honoured to be shown around by your lovely daughter." This “not rolling her eyes” thing was getting difficult. She knew that his real behaviour was much different than the façade he had on currently, though he wore it quite well. Was he having the same thoughts about her?

The King and Queen, however, were evidently delighted with his response. It had exactly the effect he had wanted. Sometimes, Alyss marveled at the candor most nobles unknowingly displayed. For example, the King and Queen at this moment most likely thought of themselves as currently looking refined and reserved when, in reality, their faces were very easy to read. They only ended up deceiving themselves.

The commoners never had that problem, but Alyss didn't know whether or not that was a good thing. After all, if their delusions served in her favour, she wanted them to be open and honest. When Alyss became Queen, she would employ better tactics, she knew.

Wait. A tour? Alyss had never given a single guest a tour of the house. Such matters were apparently beneath royalty. What made him so special? But of course, he was a prince. She inwardly sighed and glanced at Sadon, silently inviting him along. He inclined his head, and she smiled. Maybe this wouldn't turn out too badly...

The King's voice reverberated throughout the room announcing the end of supper and the servants rushed in to take the remaining plates from all the tables situated about theirs. As they were at the top of the hierarchy, they had first leave. Alyss had always hated making the others wait for her, but she wanted to draw this out. The pointed stare from her mother made her think otherwise.

With another sigh, she elegantly rose and took Prince Merek's proffered arm since he had already stood up. Thus linked, they began to leave, but not before Alyss could motion to Sadon to follow them. He stood, but the King had caught the gesture.

"Sadon, the Outer Guard needs to be relieved." He stated, making it obvious he wanted him to get lost at the moment. Although he looked confused, Sadon obeyed, albeit a bit unwillingly. He shot her an apologetic look before leaving the dining hall.

Without meaning to, Alyss dug her nails into Prince Merek's arm. She quickly realized what she was doing and looked up to assess the damage, cursing her foolishness as she did so. She knew that he could end her life at any time he felt so inclined to. However, Alyss found only his sapphire eyes analyzing her cerulean ones. She quickly broke off eye contact and focused on walking while keeping her blush from spreading.

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