Chapter 7

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Adams POV


"hey Ryan are you going to help out?" Mr.Irving said. Who's Ryan and why is he here? Same with the other guy. I quickly ran back behind home plate and waited for Sophia to go on the mound. But instead of her coming on the mound that Ryan kid did. Why does he have to be here again. Just like that other guy that's here. Before I could even ask they introduced them selfs. First was that Ryan guy.

"Hello, my names Ryan. Mr.Irving over here is my old pap. Over there-" he said while pointing to Sophia. Then he continued. "is my little sister anyone who makes fun of her i will kill you." okay he's a little bit over protective. But who wouldn't be if they had a sister. I would if I did have a sister. Then the the other guy introduced himself.

"Hi my names Aaron. I play first base. I have been playing baseball with Sophia since t-ball. We have been bestfriends or biffles and Sophia says for a very long time. If you want to die make fun of her. I will be staying with Soap for the year. And I going to play baseball with you people. " he then walked over to the first base and took over it.

While I was behind the home plate I saw that Ryan and Aaron where staring at me. Creepy. Sophia then went onto the mound. When she was about to pitch she did asked me to do a signal. I didn't know what one to do because we haven't discussed what singnals. I decided that I have to go ask her So she can help me. I ran up to her.

" Hey umm What pitch are you going to do? Also is there a time we couldmeet after practice and  make signals?"

" Well I will do a knucle ball. And we can meet up tommorow-if we make the team?"

"Yeah thats fine. Now lets play some Ball1!"  We then got into our possitions while everyone elsedid too. Aaron, Sophia's best friend was on first while her brother was standing next to her.  That means he was listening to our conversation.  I got ready for the pitch. Which means that I was crowched down. Like in a squatted position rady to catch the pitchers pict that he or she has made. She pitched the ball and it landed straigt in my glove. Aperfect knuckle ball. Wow I am supriced that she can pitch. I was wrong when I said that she can't play. Everyone was shocked except her father, Aaron, and her brother. After a few more pitches Mr. Irving wanted all of us to hit. We all hit. Sophia was a good hitter but she is way better at pitching than she is at hitting.  I hit also, I think I did really good at hitting. Before practice was over coach called us over.

"Okay, so as you all know, there will be a piece of paper in the main lobby for who makes the team. Some of the ones that are good and didn't make it I will ask the JV coach to see if you can make it. But everyone bring your stuff incase." We all bid our goodbyes to Mr.Irving and left. I went to my car and drove to my house. I got out of the car tiredly and went inside.

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