Chapter 1

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Norman let out a breath as he slung his bag over his shoulder. New town, new me, he told himself, Don't make a fool of yourself, Norman.

He began walking down the street, acting as any other kid would. The ghosts here did not know him, so they ignored him, as did he.

A strange kid, born with the ability to see spirits and ghosts. Maybe this new town was a chance for him to make new, real friends. Not just ghosts back at Blithe Hollow, or the few he had made during his adventures. No, he wanted true friends.

He walked into the school, trying his best to act like any other kid. Like any other person. He cringed as he walked through the hallway, seeing ghosts everywhere. Eventually, he averted his eyes, staring at the floor like a 'loner'. Sometimes, he hated his ability.

As he walked, he attempted to veer past people in the hallways.


He had bumped into someone.

He finally looked up. His eyes met with brown ones. He took note of the girl he saw. Thin lips, brown eyes, and shoulder-length brown hair that was tinged with blue at its ends.

"U-uh, s-sorry . . . "

The girl shrugged, as she stood up, picking up her books and stationery, before offering him a hand. He looked quite uncomfortable, but he accepted it.

"What's your name?"

He avoided her gaze, and hurriedly merged back into the sea of people.

He carried on walking, avoiding eye contact with anyone. 

As he walked, he weaved past crowds of people. The gossips, the popular kids, the jocks . . .

The Classrooms! He looked up to check for his homeroom number. 101, 102, 103 . . . there it was! 110! He hurriedly stepped into the class, earning him many pairs of eyes just staring at him.

"Sorry, Miss . . . I'm late . . . "

"Mr Babcock, right?" He heard chuckles from all around him. What an embarrassing last name!

He gulped and nodded, sweating profusely, "Um, y-yes."

"I was just introducing three other new students to our class. Take a seat here."

Norman did so.

"Okay, so, as I was saying, this is Kubo, this is Eggs Trubshaw, with Winniefred Portley-Rind. Finally, our latecomer, Norman Babcock. They transferred here from all over the world," the Teacher announced, before she looked around the class. Then back at the newcomers. The class was still snickering.

"Miss," the girl raised her hand, "You may call me Winnie."

"Okay, so the class has been divided into groups for the project, so would you kids mind grouping up?"

Norman watched as the three other kids shook their heads, before he himself hesitantly shook his head. The teacher smiled, "Great! And because you guys are new you'll be grouped together with two other kids, a pair, if you will. Follow me, please."

As she guided them to the back of the class, Norman could hear the other kids snickering. He tried his best to avoid eye contact with them, and kept his gaze on the floor.

"So, children, this is the duo you would be working with. Coraline Jones and Wybourne Lovat."

"Wybie," the boy corrected the teacher.

"I trust that you'll work together with them, Miss Jones. Do not get into a fight again."

Coraline clicked her tongue, "No promises."

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