"I Love You"

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Before I start, I'd like to say that this fluff drabble is based off a 'ShamChat' roleplay I had XD I was Clear and I found an Aoba Seragaki so yay~ It was cute so I decided to make into a fanfic >.< If you just so happen to be the Aoba I roleplayed with then <3~

Clear stood on the sidewalk, leaning his elbow of the railing next to him. He was tired of walking around. The whole day he had been looking for his Master, but he couldn't here his voice and he wasn't anywhere to be found. Clear was fearing what might've happened to his Master, when he caught sight of the color blue from the very corner of his eye. He quickly turned around to find Aoba walking around, as if searching for something.

"Master!" Clear waves to the blue-head and Aoba immediately recognized who it was. "Clear!" Aoba ran over to Clear who now had a wide grin spread across his face. "I've been looking all over for you," Aoba said to Clear. "Me too! I've been looking for master all day long, but I couldn't hear your voice... So then I couldn't find you," Clear said as his shoulders started to relax. He was finally reunited with his master.

"Well," Aoba started, "I haven't seen you in a while and when I searched for you, you weren't on any of the roofs. I was getting worried about you." Clear's eyes widened and he suddenly clasped his hands together as his dropped down to his knees. "Clear?!" Aoba exclaimed.

"I-I'm so sorry, Master! I didn't mean to worry you! Please forgive me!" Clear pleaded loudly. Aoba's expression suddenly became confused to the sudden act. "I will punish myself for being so careless!" Clear continued. "W-wait a second, Clear! I'm not angry or anything! Get up off the ground..!" Aoba grabbed his arms and helped him get up, seeing that other people were looking their way, watching the scene Clear was making. "It's fine! It's fine," he repeated, "Punishing yourself is uncalled for! I'm always worried about you." Aoba tried to explain to Clear.

"I-it's fine...?" Clear asked quietly as small tears formed at the corner of his eyes. "But what good am I if I make my own Master worry every moment? Master should always be happy, and I would do anything to make Master happy!" Clear said aloud.

Aoba appreciated the mini speech Clear just gave, but he was getting tired of hearing himself being referred to as 'Master'. He had a name to! "Didn't I tell you to stop calling me 'Master'? 'Aoba' is fine," he reminded Clear.


"It's sort of... embarrassing to be called 'Master', alright? You should be able to call me by my name."

"But it feels so informal to just call you 'Aoba'... It's... It's missing something..." Clear said as he trailed off. His head suddenly snapped back up to face Aoba. "I know! How about... 'Aoba-san'?" Clare asked. Aoba smiled sweetly at him. "Of course, you can call me that, Clear." Clear smiled back at him as Aoba brought them under a tree to shade themselves from the bright sunlight.

"And... I'm happy with you, Clear," Aoba continued the conversation. "I'm happy with you! Every moment! That's why I worry about you." Clear tilted his head at him like a curious puppy. "You worry when you're happy...?" Clear asked, confused as to why someone would do that. "What I mean is that, I worry about the people who make me happy." Aoba tried to explain. "Oh... Then that means I make Mas-- Aoba-san happy!" Clear exclaimed excitedly. Aoba smiled at him and shook his head. "Boy... what am I going to do with you," he said in a joking tone. Clear giggled and said, "It makes me glad to see you smile."

"Well, I'm glad I can make you happy, too."

"I don't think I say this often enough, but I love you, Aoba-san!" Clear confessed. "C-Clear..!" Aoba's face immediately flushed red and he covered his face with his hands to hide his embarrassment. It's was always the small things that made big differences to him, Clear had learned. Amused by Aoba's cute reaction, he laughed and then enveloped Aoba in a hug.

"I-I love you, too..." Aoba said shyly from behind his hands. Clear let go of the hug and took a step back so that he could view him. He then took Aoba's hands into his and removed them from his blushing face. Clear leaned in close to Aoba's face and left a peck on his cheek. "Aoba-san's always so cute." He said subconsciously. Aoba then looked extremely embarrassed. "I-I'm not cute..." he muttered as he turned his head away to hide his flushed face. "A-and we're in public, Clear... People can see us..!"

"What's so wrong about being out in public? Isn't it alright for me to show my love for to others? Is there something wrong with other people seeing us together...?" Clear asked Aoba. "No," Aoba answered, "There it's anything wrong with it, it's just a little embarrassing..."

"Aoba-san," Clear started, "I'd shout at the top of my lungs on the tallest tower about how much I love you! I wouldn't care who hears!"

Aoba always loved how sweet Clear was. He finally hugged him back and Clear wrapped his arms around him too. "God... you really do make me worry... You're so weird..." Aoba said quietly. "Don't worry! Just be happy!" Clear said to him, hearing the word 'worry' being mentioned. Aoba let out a small laugh and leaned up to land a small kiss on Clear's cheek.

"Huh?" Clear was surprised by Aoba's sudden action. Aoba, seeing how random that was, blushed lightly. "Ahaha, Aoba-san~" Clear laughed with that gorgeous smile of his.

- - -

Now they were seated down on the grass, heads leaning against each other. "I'll stay happy with you, Clear. I promise." Aoba said as he continued to lay his head on Clear's shoulder. "Then I'll stay happy with you too! I promise with every mechanic of my body." Clear promised. "Promise with your heart," Aoba said to him, "That's the most important thing." He lifted his head off of Clear's shoulder and placed it onto his chest, right above where the heart is.

"Is it there...? Do I have a heart...?" Clear asked Aoba. "I know you do," Aoba answered him, "And I'll be the proof that you have one."

Clear turned his body to face Aoba's and placed his forehead onto his shoulder. He breathed in deeply, taking in the fresh scent of Aoba, feeling the soft fabric of his jacket.

"Even when we are gone I will still remember you, Aoba-san. How you smell, how you feel, your beautiful voice, everything...." Clear told him calmly. "You can tear me to shreds and I'll still be thinking of just you."

Aoba took Clear's face in his hand softly. "I Love you," he said. And with that, he brought their lips together in a kiss that he was sure he wouldn't ever forget.

We're so cheesy and sweet omg I really have no idea as to how to end fanfics like these...
There was so much talking rather than action whoops... But then again, I did base it off of a roleplay so yay~
I'm sorry if my writing skills have gone downhill ;_; I haven't really been writing fanfics in a while, so I'm a bit rusty....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2015 ⏰

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