The Birth Of Two Heros Part 2

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"I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you Little Sparrow." Said Rose her eyes still wet with tears. "It's ok Rose, it's not your fault" replied Sparrow. "Your right Sparrow, it's not Rose's fault, it's not my fault and it's not your fault, this whole thing is all Lucien's fault!" said Robin his tears starting to dry up. "Well I'm just glad that we're all together once again." said Sparrow.

The young Sparrow had thought that she would never again see her brother and sister...not after that night all those years ago. Still though...the three siblings moved to lean against a wall, arms around each other. Sparrow sighed, and leaned her head on Rose's shoulder. She may have become a Hero now, but that didn't mean she couldn't take comfort in being held by her older sister anymore.

After a while the three siblings broke apart and Robin had to ask probably the hardest question of his entire life. "How did you survive Sparrow?" asked Robin. "I'm still not entirely sure. One minute I'm...standing in shock over what just happened..."

The Hero's voice cracked a little as the long-suppressed thoughts of what happened on that night came back up. Robin then put his arm around Sparrow letting her know that him and Rose were here for her. Taking a shuddering breath, the Hero continued on with her story.

"The next thing that I remember, I'm waking up in a Gypsy caravan with Theresa, that woman we met...that day...telling me that you two were dead and that I had to become a Hero to avenge you all." replied Sparrow.

Robin's grip got tighter then loosened a little, confusing Sparrow, she then also saw Rose with a glare that looked very out of place on her older sister's face. It was every bit as fierce as the glare that had been on her face when she and Robin had thought that Sparrow was a trap set by Lucien. And she wasn't sure why Rose was so angry. Unless...she was angry at Theresa? But why would she be...the blind seer had saved Sparrow's life after all, when had anyone else found her that night, they would have most likely left her to die.

Of course, Sparrow couldn't possibly understand what was running through her brother and sister's heads at that moment.

Robin felt very conflicted on one hand Theresa had saved his twin sister Sparrow's life, but on the other hand Theresa had also gotten them in that situation in the first place.

Rose was, understandably, still angry at Theresa. Of course she was thankful that the woman had saved her sister, how could she not be. But why would she lie and tell Sparrow that she and Robin were dead? The woman had obviously been around Bowerstone before. So it would have been impossible to go to the city and not hear about 'the kids Lord Lucien had tried to kill'. So either she had avoided Bowerstone for ten years, or the woman had lied to her sister. That alone would be enough to make even well-tempered Rose furious, also would mean that she and Robin could have found out that their sister Sparrow was still alive years ago, instead of meeting her as what amounted to nothing more than a mere coincidence.

"What's wrong you two?" their sister's voice breaking into Rose and Robin's thoughts.

Rose then let out a sigh, "Y''s been ten years since that night Little Sparrow?"

Sparrow nodded hesitantly, "Yes?"

"Ten years...and not once has that woman come to Bowerstone? Me and Robin have been the talk of the town for so long that we're used to it, but surely she would have heard about me and Robin at some point and come to investigate. Don't you think Sparrow?"

Those words hit Sparrow hard, she may not have known exactly where Theresa had vanished to during her time away from the traveling Gypsy camp Sparrow had been living at for the last decade, but it was very hard to believe that her travels had never took her to Bowerstone. And even if they hadn't taken her there, the blind seer knew things that she shouldn't have known all the time...why, then, would she have lied to Sparrow about Rose and Robin? It didn't make any sense!

Rose, Robin and Sparrow, A Fable 2 fanficWhere stories live. Discover now