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I was frozen as Mina pulled out of my driveway, her humming away to the songs blasting from her radio doing little to calm my nerves as I rethought her previous statement.

That's why I'm trying to figure out why you've got hickeys on your neck...

She snapped her left hand in front of my face as we pulled up to a red light.

"Earth to Eudora, you there?"

I cleared my throat rapidly before swirling in my seat to face Mina, my cheeks burning from embarrassment.

"I need to explain"

Mina slapped both hands on the wheel, her foot slamming on the acceleration as the light turned green.


oh no

She looked over to me, beaming as she spoke.

"So how did it feel losing it? Was it pai-"

"We didn't have sex"

She pulled into the shopping centre, her head tilting to the side like a puppy before she continued.


I nodded slightly


She parked rather quickly, many of the spaces being free as others had chosen to most likely walk on one of the very few days that Britain had decent weather.

She pulled the keys out the ignition before tossing them into her purse and turning over to me, grabbing both of my hands.

"What about your mum?"

I laughed, loudly and sarcastically before exiting the car, Mina quick to follow me as she was curious to my reaction.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you, I'll let you see the way they act around each other tomorrow"

Mina shrugged before grabbing at my arm and pulling me into the first dress shop of many that lined the shopping centre, today was going to be a long day.


I woke up the next morning feeling scarily devilish. My mother had arrived home last night and her and Elijah hadn't spared a glance at each other before she checked on me before making her way to her office.

I showered quickly before making my way downstairs to make some breakfast.

The kitchen was an open space, the back wall lined with cabinets the left wall being taken over by the stove, oven and fridge. The right wall was where the doors stood which lead to the main entrance and the wall opposite the back wall was composed of two huge glass sliding doors which showed into the living room. An island stood in the centre of the kitchen, and was also the stop that Elijah sat at.

He wasn't alone. A woman, 26 at the max was standing next to him combing his hair away from his face, a range of hair products lining the island. She was smiling at something he had said and I was loathing her for it.

I coughed loudly causing the pair to break apart and look at me before I made my way over to the fridge, pulling out a pack of grapes before I made my way back to the door.

"Eudora" I heard him call

"You shouldn't be eating so close to when we'll be having guests"

I scoffed, pulling the door open with one hand before turning back to Elijah

"Don't worry Daddy I know what I'm doing"

And with that I made my way back to my room, feeling rather proud of myself.

For the 120 seconds it lasted

Around 2 minutes into my grapes Elijah burst into my room, his face furious

He shut my door behind him before stalking over to where I sat on my bed

"My mum-"

"She's gone out to pick up champagne glasses"

I had by now left my position on the bed and was reversing slowly into a wall all the while Elijah followed my every movement like a hawk.

His hair had been gelled back and a single curl took place on his forehead, the only arguable imperfection he has alongside his freckles.

He licked his lips before he spoke.

"What was that downstairs Eudora?"

I knew exactly what he was talking about

"I have no idea what you're talking about"

He stalked closer, rubbing a hand over his stubble as he placed a hand beside my head, peering down into my eyes.

"Today's event is very important for your mother, you understand that?"

I nodded

"Good girl"

I gulped

"So I guess it needn't be said that you don't act up?"

I nodded again, my breath shallowing as he dragged his thumb over my bottom lip, whispering to him self.

"I'll never understand how such vulgar things leave such innocent lips"

And with that he pulled his hand away, and stalked back out of my room.

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