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The freshers event honestly wasn't as useless as I had initially assumed it being.

Mina and I had split up pretty quickly after our joint arrival, and opted to attempt bonding with those we would be spending most of our time with, and upon said exploration I had met Theo.

He was very tall with a full head of dirty blonde hair, and was incredibly talkative which was perfect for me as I very much wasn't.

"And so I had said don't put the needle there, she's planning on having kids!"

Don't ask

I hadn't laughed as hard as I did with Theo for a while, and when Mina came along to see the pair of us practically rolling on the floor, I couldn't blame the expression on her face.

I had managed to settle my laughing fit into a smaller, more manageable hiccup and had introduced her to Theo immediately, loving the way that they bonded so naturally.

This is perfect, too perfect.

Upon us leaving and deciding to bond further at a little cafe nearer to Theo's apartment I spotted someone in dark clothing, get up and leave alongside us.

I wouldn't have thought too much into it if they hadn't arrived at the same time as us, and was seemingly following us around the campus.

I didn't dare bring it up.

The three of us were sat at the cafe just outside of the hall of where the event was being held when my heart stopped.

Elijah stepped out of his black Range Rover, a pair of sunglasses over his eyes that onlookers would view as obnoxious due to the lack of British sun, but I knew to be his way of covering his bruising.

Even from behind his glasses I could tell he was pissed, and he was coming right for our table.


I hadn't even had time to panic, or warn Mina who was very engrossed with Theo in a conversation about God knows what when Elijah approached us.

He placed his large hands onto the corners of our table, looking down at me dauntingly before removing his sunglasses and gracing me with the full intensity of his glare


He smiled sickeningly sweetly at the pair who joined me at the table before speaking

"I'd hate to intrude, but unfortunately I'll be needing to take Eudora"

I scowled before turning to my friends.

"I'll be back in a moment-"

Elijah cut me off

"No she'll be leaving"

I looked up at him appalled before Theo broke the silence whispering something to Mina that he hadn't intended for Elijah to hear.

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