Chapter 1

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AN: This is a different take on soulmate AU, but please don't judge immediately. This will be good, I promise. Also, this is my first time writing PhaYo, so I just hope I do them justice.



It was a pleasant day in the quaint little town of Amphawa, where almost-eighteen-year-old Phana Kongthanin and his friend Beam Baramee were shopping for fresh produce at the floating market. The two students of medicine had been given the task to bring back the freshest of fish and veggies by their other best friend Kit Itochar. Their protests at being given this tedious task were met by deaf ears and at further argument they had been threatened with physical harm. Kit might look small and rather adorable but he took his cooking seriously and could turn into a rather violent person when required. The three friends were spending the mid-term break at Kongthanin's farmhouse in the village. Today all their parents had called saying that they would be spending the weekend at the farmhouse as well. This was not an usual thing, but since their parents were also good friends it was not that shocking either. Usually the parents would leave the kids to enjoy their holidays on their own, but there had been occasions when the families had hungout together. In, what Phana thought, was a spur of the moment Kit had taken it upon himself to prepare a huge early dinner. That is why Phana and Beam found themselves bargaining with the fish mongers and inspecting the freshness of green onions and lemongrass, as if they had some knowledge on the matter.

Surprisingly, the two friends realized that they were indeed enjoying themselves, with their constant banter and pleasant weather. The outing didn't seem as arduous as they first thought it would be. An hour or so later, the two friends heaved their bags and decided to load up the car to return home. It was then that Beam thought it would be rather pleasant to visit the Wat Amphawan Chetiyaram temple. Phana hesitated for a moment but agreed and steered the car towards the sight.

The reason for Phana's hesitation was what some might think ridiculous. On this particular day, the Kongthanin heir's instincts had been screaming ever since he woke up. On a typical day, the three friends would laze around the farmhouse watching movies and playing video games. They would go swim in the lake at the back of the house or hit the gym. Naturally, the friends would take some time out to do their studies or project work.

However, everything that had happened since morning was out of the routine, starting with their parents' unexpected visit. Then Kit deciding to cook and this market run. Not only that, but Beam suggesting the temple visit was also something unusual, especially considering none of three friends were particularly religious. Phana, who had forgotten about his strange feeling that he had in the morning, once again felt his gut wrenching. It was weird how he had no idea why the feeling was strong, as if something big was going to happen that would turn his perfect life upside-down.

Phana, Beam and Kit were known at the Kantaphat University in Bangkok as the mad-Doctor's gang. The three friends were among the top students in the faculty, with Phana always ranking first in every test. They were known as the hot and handsome trio, with both men and women chasing after them. Although all three of them were extremely intelligent, Phana was on another level all together. His intellect was unparalleled and he had several times ended up advising the professors.

Apart from their brains, they were also good looking and charming and came from affluent families. Nether of the three were dating though. While Kit and Phana had soulmate marks, Beam did not have one. It meant that Phana and Kit had soulmates somewhere in this world and Beam would have to rely on his own heart and feelings to seek his 'the one'. There was nothing wrong with not having the mark. It was just that if and when the soulmates met the connection would be strong and instant.

Considering, Beam enjoyed the whole game of seduction. He was basically a player. He opted for one night stands with both men and women who caught his attention on that particular day. Kit had never shown interest in romance or even sex. He even remained unbothered about his mark, just going with the flow and enjoying his life. And the great Phana was rather eager to meet his soulmate, especially since he saw how strong his parents' bond was. His parents too were soulmates and had met in their late-teens. He hoped he would have similar luck. He often talked about meeting his soulmate too and his friends, who could understand the excitement, got rather fed up with his dreamy ramblings.

On this particular day, Phana and Beam completed their errands and made headed towards the temple. They parked the car, took their shoes off and made their way inside the temple. Immediately, Beam walked off to gather them some incense sticks, flowers and other offerings. And that is when Phana felt it. No sooner had the handsome medical student crossed the threshold and taken a few steps in, he felt a strong pull at his navel. The said pull became stronger and stronger until it was so painful that the teenager instinctively dropped down on the floor and keeled over clutching his stomach. He did not understand what was happening but soon he found himself moving towards a child who was excitedly, looking everywhere and jumping and trying to reach the holy bells.

Although there was some crowd in the temple premises, Phana only saw that one young boy. He was in remained in daze as he acknowledged how beautiful the child was, with a long brunet curls and rosy chubby cheeks. The kid who must be somewhere around seven-years old was laughing mostly just being carefree. Phana felt himself moving closer to him as if he was being pulled by an invisible rope. The Kongthanin heir had never experienced this feeling before. He couldn't understand why he found the child so mesmerizing. He suddenly wanted to know the kid, see his eyes, feel the softness of his shining curls, pick him up, toss him in the air, see him laugh carelessly... Phana abruptly stopped his progress and shook his head to clear his thoughts. He didn't know what to do, he was sure he was no child molester, but this feeling was too strong to ignore.

Phana was now a block away from the child and this is when child stiffened suddenly and turned to face him. The child's honey-brown eyes locked with that of Phana and now they both were moving closer, until they were just a couple of steps away. The tall teen involuntarily crouched down to the child's height, unknowing of any surroundings. Both of them stood still, gazing into each-other's eyes, as if they were unable to move. The child's eyes were amazingly clear and deep like the deep pools of sea. The medical student had no idea how long the two of them were staring at each other, when the child did something unexpected. The child extended his hand as if to touch Phana, which broke the older boy out of his trance. He slowly reached out to take the little hand and when they touched the feeling could only be described as electrifying.

Then immediately the little boy let go of his hand and screamed, clutching the left side of his neck. Phana too could feel stinging burning sensation on the right side of his neck where his soulmate mark was. He could feel the mark burning as he finally understood what was happening. But his concern was all for the little boy who was now crying as he felt his mark burning as well. Hearing the boy crying, a athletic tanned man came running towards them. He cried out, "Yo!," and pulled the young boy into her arms. The man started questioning the little boy as to what had happened and if he was okay.

Now realizing theentire situation, Phana still in shock, started moving away slowly. He couldn'tbelieve what had happened. He had just met his soulmate and his soulmate wasjust a baby. He didn't realize he was crying as he moved away from the boy. Theman must have realized something by now and he looked at Phana with fierceanger in his eyes. Phana felt a chill run down his spine and he turned aroundand started running away aimlessly. From somewhere in the back he heard Beamcalling out to him, but Phana didn't stop. He just took in the distance in longstrides and kept running, running and running...


AN: What do you think? Interesting? No? Creepy? I swear it will be rather pleasant and not wierd at all...

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