Chapter 9

153 20 7

Date: 15/7/2023

AN:  From someone who used to update 2-3 times a week ...I guess I have now become the author who updates every two months!  😭😭😭


"Mr and Mx Suthiluck, I want to thank you for coming here today. I know it's difficult, but.." Arthit scoffed at Bright's words.

Kongpob took his hand and replied, "We didn't have a choice, did we, Dr Bright. Wayo was burning up all night but when we reached here, his temperature dropped, as you yourself noticed."

Bright signed, "I suppose, we both didn't have a choice." It was just the adults and Phana in the living room now. Viraj, Beam and Kit had taken Wayo out to the front yard to play football. Kongpob and Arthit could watch their son through the front door, which was left open. It was a difficult situation and the Kongthanins didn't want to make the boy's parents uncomfortable.

Phana cleared his throat and addressed the Suthiluck couple, "Khun Suthiluck, I know this is not what anyone of us wanted, but I believe there must be a reason why nature has made this choice. My bond with N'Wayo has not completed yet, but I don't think we have a choice but to ensure the connection is made."

"The marks are already jet black. If we want the safety of both the young men, the bond cannot be ignored."

Kongpob sighed. He had kept a reasonable perspective of the situation so far, knowing, Arthit was extremely emotional. He said, "What are our options now, Dr Baramee?"

Everyone in the room looked at Bright expectantly. The doctor took a small breath and explained, "As I have told both of you earlier, we should look at the situation more like a deep friendship, rather than a dating couple. Wayo is very young and Phana is a sensible man, who is also very smart and intelligent. I believe the bond will be satisfied if the two of them spend a few hours together every week or so."

Everyone was mulling over the words when Arthit said, "Few hours? You told us that N'Phana is a medical student in Bangkok and we live there. So most probably it shouldn't be a problem, but..I am..I don't know.."

As Wayo's mother trailed off, Bright came forward and took his hand. "Mx. Suthiluck, please don't hold back. We need to be honest with each other here. It is the only way this will work."

Arthit swallowed a lump that had somehow formed in his throat, "I am..somehow..worried about this. Them meeting..its just.."

Bright chuckled and shook his head. "Mx. Suthiluck.."

"Please just call me Arthit.."

"Hmm..Arthit, I explained everything at the clinic. Phana is incapable of harming Wayo ever. But these meetings, they don't have to be alone. They can be family outings, an hour in the park or your house or just sharing a meal. Just interacting, talking, maybe a hug goodbye. All the innocent stuff that your son does with his school friends. You and your husband can be present at all times, and Pansri and Phusikt can join you guys from time to time. Afterall, if our families are to be connected through these two, it is good to know each other."

Phana perked up, "Yes, having you guys there will make me comfortable, and I think N'Wayo will also feel more secure. He will open up more that way. And you are his parents, so you will get to know me better as well."

Arthit nodded reluctantly. Kongpob who was silently listening asked, "When you say few hours, what does it mean exactly?"

"Hmmm...We cant know for sure right away. But maybe, we can start with like 4-5 hours, spread over two days a week?" Bright said.

"That feels reasonable right now.."

"And maybe a couple of months or so into it, the bond will be satisfied and the two boys can go without seeing each other for longer. But we have to be careful. Since there are no definite indications, we have to watch out for any emotional or physical discomforts in the boys. If Wayo starts burning up again suddenly, or throwing up or something like that, it might be the bond. Same goes for Phana."

Pansri spoke up, "This is not going to be easy for any of us. If the boys health is at risk, we need to be alert at all times."

"Pan, if my knowledge is correct, with Phana, it will be more of an emotional thing. He might suddenly have a break down or start to feel alone. He may start distancing himself from his friends and feel depressed for no reason. Phana, if you feel any of these, maybe you feel no motivation to wake up or study or anything like that... you must immediately contact Wayo and see him at the earliest. Chances are that the kid will also be feeling similar things and not able to verbalize them. Plus, as we know, symptoms in Wayo will be more severe."

Everyone gasped, Phana especially felt his heart breaking at the thought of Wayo suffering in anyway. The teenager gulped and nodded seriously.

This time Kongpob came forward and started to wrap up the discussion. "It is clear that we all will have to work together for this. We all will have to prioritize our two boys and be on alert for anything unusual. I think if we communicate openly and are honest with each other, we can do this." He grasped Arthit's hand tightly, "What do you think, Phii?" Although still not over the melancholic feelings in his heart, the older man nodded and expressed his acknowledgement.

After some more discussions and chalking out a rough guideline on how to proceed further, everyone started to calm down. Phana left the adults to go play with Wayo. In the living room, the adults made a group chat for easier communication. They made small talk as Pansri announced lunch and started getting the table set.

As the delicious array of food was served, Wayo made way and insisted on sitting next to Phana. Everyone in the room seemed endeared by the young boy and his charms, as he shared stories of all kinds. Phana for one couldn't help but hang on to every word. The lunch was in all aspects a peaceful one, and then it was time for the Suthiluck family to say goodbye. As Wayo hugged Phana, everyone promised to stay in touch and schedule the meet-ups soon. 


AN: Following chapters will have time-lapse. I will make it easy for you guys to keep up, I promise.

Take care my lovelies!


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