Forbidden | Short Story

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•Curlspeck-brown tom with amber eyes and white paws


rown, white, and black she cat with unusual patterns

Letters: 2718

Words: 628

Sentences: 58

Paragraphs: 15

Time Taken: 1 hour

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Stars blazed, making the dark purple sky seem like an artist's finished piece. The strokes of orange and pink disappeared with the sun an hour ago and fireflies had begun their nightly dance across the long warm grass where two cats sat. They circled the larger, unfamiliar creatures, their rumps flashing as they called out for love. There was no breeze rustling the bright, green leaves above their heads, silencing the wilderness, except for the soft humming of the nocturnal insects. Summer heat draped the world in a warm blanket, bringing a wave of calm to the scene.

The two felines lay in the grass, soaking in the warmth and serenity of the darkness. A tom, and a she-cat, both had known each other for quite a while. Trust. That's what they had.

The tom, his pelt brown, eyes piercing amber, gawked at the beauty of the territory around him. But as he turned, the scene became much more gorgeous when his eyes locked onto the fair she-cat beside him. Her body was splayed out on the soft, summer soil, the exquisite patterns on her pelt illuminated by the fireflies. Her breathing was slow and steady, her head far away in dreams. The tom took a deep breath through his mouth, engulfing the scents of oak and dew.

Oh how he loved this cat dearly. Every time he was around her, his heart just wanted to get closer, until there was nothing in the world that could separate them. He crouched, taking in the glory of the she-cat. He could have her, she could be his, and him her's. But he knew this was never possible, she had taken an oath. Having her heart was forbidden. Forbidden love.

Tears rolled down his cheeks, the knowledge of him never being able to call her his own too much to bear. He just loved her so much, but the tom could never express any of the feelings balled up in his heart.

He leaned in close to her, letting his alligator tears drop onto her cheek. Putting his muzzle close to her ear, he whispered words he could never say while she was awake. "I love you, darling."


"Look! Look, daddy!" The small kit squealed with excitement as she pounded on her brother. "I'm going to be the strongest warrior in the Clan!"

The older tom chuckled at his daughter. "Very good dear."

The sky was speckled with clouds, the sun blazing, warming the four cats who sat in the long grass. Two kits played, their sheathed paws batting each other. A breeze cooled the air and tickled the tom's nose and he gulped the sea salt. He dug his claws into the soil of his dream, enjoying every second and never wanting it to end.

The grass rustled as a she-cat drew closer. Her patterns shining from the sun's rays. She smiled slyly at the tom and sat beside him, their pelts connected. Her dark blue eyes stared into the distance, as if she could see their future together.

The tom leaned closer to the she-cat until he could taste sweet, lemony her scent. His heart fluttered as he prepared the lines he said every night to her in his desperate imagination. "I love you."

"And I you." She recited the same words she said every time he fell asleep.

But it wasn't true. This whole world was fake, just a creation of the tom's far from real reality. He knew he could never have her, no matter how much his heart pulled him towards her, he had to resist.

At least here, I can have love, and I am loved. But when I wake up it's back to

forbidden love.


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