Like I Never Left

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*Warning: No Warning! I'm sorry for taking so long :(*

Hi! Do you remember me? I'm Kari... okay no 😂


Leigh's POV

"It'll be fine! Just... relax" Jesy was fearfully begging Perrie after the umpteenth time she let out this horrendous grunt of pain.

"Don't tell her that" I warned her, also worried for the way the poor baby was clenching her nails on the armrests of the sofa. "She'll get worst!"

Can you believe it? First time we see each other after months, literally the longest time we've been apart since we met, and this happens! I wasn't even able to film the reunion.

But anyway, that didn't matter right now; poor Perrie was having an awful toothache and she'd forgot her painkillers! The intense pain had only started a few minutes ago but it seemed it had been forever! Where is Jade?!

"Should we call her again?" I asked Jesy. The whole team was already in the work place, yet we couldn't start if we didn't solve this first.

"She said she was on her way" she told me, and I hope she was right.

As if God had heard our pleading, we heard some people greeting our saviour in her way in, and in matter of seconds, we saw her appearing. Finally!

"Jade!" I shouted, relieved.

"You have the painkiller?" Jesy asked her quickly, opening the bottle of water for Perrie.

"Yes" Jade simply said.

She grabbed the bottle of medicine from her purse and left the rest of her stuff on a table nearby. Took one of the pills out and handled it to Perrie with the bottle of water, and she accepted them immediately.

"Uhh... you probably would like to stay away a little, Jade" I told her, while she just came back to her purse.

"Yeah, Jade. Let's give her some time" Jesy agreed with me, and rightly; Perrie's expression was still disgruntled and it'd probably be for some time until the pill started working.

But no, Jade didn't wait any longer, and just as swift as she had arrived, took a hermetic food container and a spoon from her purse; simply ignored us and opening it, leaving the lid to one side, offered it to Perrie.

With startle in our faces, watched how our blonde finally relaxed while taking the first bite of what it seemed homemade sweet rice pudding, while Jade climbed on to the back of the sofa Perrie was seated on and clinged to her back as a koala: she left a little kiss on Perrie's head and this last one could finally breath out.

"It tastes so good" Perrie whined, now consoled. Jade smiled. "Thank you, baba".

Perrie was just... hungry?!

Jesy and I, and I bet some other people looked at each other, confused. What just happened? Jade and Perrie literally seem as if they have their own language. It had always been like this, ugh. We should be used to it by now. These women...

Whatever. I was so glad to be finally reunited with my sisters.

Perrie's POV

First day back at work, yay! I was so happy! Even when the day for me hadn't started so good: from waking up early, the traffic, this awful toothache... but it was finally getting better. Or I feel it this way, once we all were all dressed up, hair and makeup done, and I was finishing the delicious rice porridge Jade made for me. How did she know? I needed it so bad! I wasn't even able to chew the pancakes Ellie prepared for me this morning. It was so good, and to feel her warm hug after so long felt so good too. She was a Godsend.

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