Scuba Gear

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Bailee woke up in a familiar bedroom to what sounded like John B and a grown woman talking. Afraid it was the police, she stayed in the bed and played with JJ's hair softly, curling it slowly in between her fingers just enough so it wouldn't wake him. She had a bit of a hangover, but clearly remembered everything that happened last night from her seeing Sarah to JJ shooting the gun in the air.

She sighed, knowing Pope and Kie were not going to be happy with the fact that she took JJ's side. Bailee looked down at the still sleeping boy in her arms with his legs tangled in between hers under the covers. Bailee wondered how much he remembered but didn't want to wake the boy up and continued eavesdropping and playing with JJ's hair.

The few things she heard were  about the DCS, a gun, and something about the marsh. She just assumed it was a sheriff because of the authority the woman had in her voice. The door slammed, which shook the boy in her arms awake. He looked up at her slowly, and she smiled at him when he finally cleared his vision.

"Hey JJ. Do you remember last night?" JJ nodded, the sleep was drooping from his eyes but the reminder of what happened began to shake him awake.

"Kiara and Pope are gonna kill me," JJ groaned and slowly sat up on the bed. Bailee sat up with him before pulling the covers off and standing up, reaching her hand onto the bedside table beside him to grab her necklace.

"Nah, otherwise they'd be stuck with me screaming at them, and I don't think anyone wants that. I'll be in the kitchen seeing if John B's okay and probably making breakfast. Go... do whatever you have to do and meet me out there." She walked out of the bedroom and closed the door, coming face to face with a purpling John B.

"Mornin', sunshine." Bailee said while moving to the kitchen. The only thing doable was a few eggs and a pan on the stove that had two empty beer bottles on it. She sniffed the bread before quickly pulling it away and leaving it in the counter, face twisting in disgust.

He acknowledged her with a groan as he flopped back onto the couch, hitting a pillow with his fist on the way down. She cracked the eggs on the now-empty pan and started up the stove, which looked like it hadn't been used in forever. Only a few minutes later, she took them off the stove and JJ came into the kitchen.

"Want some?" She asked JJ and John B, who both nodded at the girl and thanked her. Sooner or later the three were joined by, with the looks of it, a still upset Pope and Kie.

They sat in silence for a few minutes. John B was rested against a wooden pole, Kie and Pope were sitting down on chairs as Kie softly hit the bongos placed in the corner of the room, and Bailee and JJ were sitting on the table throwing rocks at the water.

"Look I'm calling it off. All right?" John B broke the silence of the five, "Peterkin said that if I stayed out of the marsh she'd help me with the DCS."

"An actual cop, John B. You believed a cop?" 

"Look all I have to do is stay out of the marsh for a couple of days, and she'll help me out! It doesn't help that your ass was the one shooting the gun, JJ!" John B yelled.

"You know what I should've done, man? I should've just let Topper drown your ass." 

"Topper was gonna drown me?" 

"Sure looked like it. I mean have you looked in the mirror, dude?" JJ bitterly responded back while throwing his last rock and standing up from where he and Bailee were sitting.

"No come on, tell me more." John B taunted. Knowing this most likely wasn't going to end well, Bailee scooted a little bit closer to the edge of her seat of the table just in case a fight broke out.

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