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I exhaled and opened the door. "Commander Shepard." I said to the man at the front desk. "Ah yes, Mr Kryik is just over there." He pointed to a desk in the corner near the window.  "Have a nice night commander." He smiled.

I walked over to Nihlus, the closer I got the faster my heart was beating, the butterflies in my stomach got that bad it felt like they were being eaten by a flock of birds. He noticed me walking toward him, his jaw dropped and his eyes licked my body making me internally grin. "Nihlus." I smiled. "Sh...Shepard. you look beautiful." I blushed. "You don't look that bad yourself. It's a bit different seeing you relaxed and not in your armour."

"I can say the same for you." I smiled and blushed even harder. "Oh, I almost forgot. I have a favour that needs doing for Harper. He's proposing to his girlfriend and I'm going to be turning on the lights. His apartment is straight across from the restraunt." Nihlus nodded.

"Your a good friend Shepard. Anyone is lucky to have you." Why is he so charming! Oh god, I've  fallen for him. "Thanks." I said shyly.

"Hello! Are you ready to order?" A waitress asked. She also had a sleek dress, Nihlus eyed her over. It made me mad, like I could have cut the head off the waitress! Why am I acting like this. "Ah yes." Nihlus and I ordered our food. Conversation sparked up but was interrupted by Harper making Nihlus frown. "Come on!" I grabbed his hand and took led him to the front desk.

"We will be back, I have a quick favour for Harper." The man at the front desk smiled and nodded. We watched from the street as Harper led her to the middle of the garden where I flicked on the lights. "Wow, you done well Shepard." Nihlus smiled. "Oh please, call me Octavia." As she was looking at the lights above her Harper got down on one knee and revealed a ring.

She looked at him and gasped. She nodded furiously. He slid the ring on her finger got up and they kissed. "Yes!" I yelled. Harper looked at me. "She said yes!" "Shepard? What are you doing here?" "You really think Harper is capable of such beautiful designing?" She laughed at my joke.

"Get back to your date Shepard!" Harper yelled. I looked at him angrily and blushing. "So that's what you told him." "I didn't I told him it was just dinner and we were just friends and..." I blurted. He wrapped his arm around me and sat his hand on my waist.

"Calm down." He chuckled and spun me around to face him. He placed his other talon on my waist. My heart was pounding faster then ever. This felt so right. His voice deepened. "It could be a date if you want it to be. I wouldn't mind." I stared into his green eyes and nodded, I couldn't speak. We walked back into the restraunt.

He walked closer to me and wrapped his arm around the curve of my waist. When we got there our food had just been set down.

"So, Octavia." He paused at my name, he was either savoring it or trying to see if it suited me. "Do you have any other hobbies besides building collectable ships?" I shook my head. "Not really, I collect fish as well and I used to be heavily into art before I joined the military."

He nodded. "I've never had a steady hand when it comes to a paintbrush or a pencil." "I could teach you if you want." I smirked provocatively. He's suppressed a low growl by clearing his throat. "I like the sound of that." He tilted his head slightly.

We started talking about our favourite missions and just random things, before we knew it the night was coming to an end. We grabbed the check and Nihlus paid. We walked out to the front of the restraunt. "So, where are you going to stay tonight? If your staying on the Normandy I'll walk you back but your more then welcome to sleep with me, I mean at my place." He turned his head to the side and groaned angrily making me laugh.

Should I stay at his place? I don't think thats a good idea but hey, when are my ideas good ones? "I know what you meant Nihlus. I'll have a shower on the Normandy and I think I'll stay with you." I smiled politely, Nihlus smiled back.

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