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I am aware Shepard doesnt collect ships until me2 but she's collecting them in all the games in this story.

I was waiting for a friend to show up with my new model ship, the model Mako had been sold out for months!

"Shepard." A voice called. I looked at the register to see Harper with my model ship. "Oh, Harper. Sorry I was lost in thought." "It's fine commander." I frowned.

"Harper you know you can call me Shepard, you've known me for like ten years." I smiled. "True. Anyway here's your model Mako." I exchanged the box for my credit chit.

"Have a great day Shepard." "You too Harper." He turned and went back into the room behind the store front. I looked at the box and got excited for it's contents.

I turned and smacked straight into someone's armour. I stumbled backward and clutched my nose. "Crap! Are you okay?" I looked up to see a Turian and a handsome one at that.

My heart raced as I struggled for words. "Y-yeah, I'm fine. It's nothing that hasn't happened before." Scarlet blood dripped from my nose and ran down my arm. "Your bleeding!" He grabbed my arm and moved my hand. "Please forgive my incompetence." "It's fine." I chuckled.

"Harper!" I called out. "What is it Shepard?" He noticed the blood and the turian that had grip of my arm.

"What did you do to her!" He jumped over the bench pointing his finger. I pulled my arm from his grip and pulled Harper back leaving blood on his shirt. "Harper, it wasn't his fault. I wasn't looking where I was going. Can you just grab me a tissue and some wet rags or something?" He looked at the turian and went to grab some tissues. "Do you want medigel?" He asked from behind the counter. "Harper, it's a nose bleed, it's not like I'm dying."

"How rude of me, I just injured you and didn't give you my name. Spectre Nihlus Kryik." He's a spectre! Oh my god, play it cool Octavia. "Commander Octavia Shepard, Alliance navy." We shook hands as Harper passed me the rags and helped clean the blood off my arm. I pinched the bridge of my nose and covered it with a tissue.

"Why are you so distracted lately Shepard?" "What do you mean?" "Well first you didn't notice me standing there for five minutes, then you smack into a spectre. Normally your more observent. What's on your mind?" "Just stressed, this is the first shore leave I've had in four months!"

"I can't imagine being on a ship that long. What ship are you stationed on?" "The SSV Normandy SR1." "Ah, a fine frigate nonetheless." I nodded in agreement.  The blood from my nose had stopped flooding out and I was all cleaned up. I smiled at Harper . "Thank you." He nodded in acknowledgement and went back to the room behind the counter.

"I do apologise again commander." "It's fine Spectre Kryik." "Please, call me Nihlus." "In that case, call me Shepard." I picked up the Mako, his eyes widened. "You got a model Mako! How did you manage that?" "When your commander Shepard, you know a few people and know how to pull the right strings." I winked making him frown.

"I can get you one. Harper!" I called again. "Did we break our nose again? What do you need?" "Can you get me another Mako?" "Shepard..." "Please Harper! I'll pay double." He sighed. "Your not paying me double but you owe me. I can get my hands on one today. Be back here in half an hour." I thanked him and returned to Nihlus.

"We're coming back in half an hour." "Why?" "Because I just bought you something." I smiled at him and walked to the next shop to buy weapon mods. I grabbed a bunch of upgrades for my Mantis and distributed most of my money between the rest of my guns. "Mantis huh?" He smiled. "My favourite sniper."

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