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I went to Anderson's Cabin. The elevator ride scared me. Was it about Nihlus? Was he going to tell me why he's here? Was he going to call me out for fraternizing?

The elevator stopped and I slowly walked to his cabin. Why was I so scared? It's only Anderson? But, if he was here to scold me it would hurt more than any XO I've ever encountered. Anderson was the closest thing I've had to a father.

I took a deep breath and opened the door, he was sitting on his couch with his serious thinking look on his face. "You wanted to see me sir?"

"Have a seat commander." Oh no, he called me commander. "I understand you and Nihlus, have a... thing. Going on." "Sir it's really nothing, I was distracted when I was buying the model Mako off Harper and I turned around and smacked into him and my nose bled." "And?" "And I bought him a model Mako and he bought me dinner." "And you stayed at his place last night?" "Sir, nothing happened. You have my word."

"Alright Shepard I believe you. Just, be careful. He's a spectre, I just don't want to see you get hurt." I blushed. "Thank you for your concern Anderson but Nihlus isn't like any other spectre I've met. He's nicer then Jondum Bao when you catch him alone." Anderson nodded cautiously.

"I trust you know about amino acids?" "Anderson! Yes of course I know about cross species fluid contact. I'm not having this conversation with you." My cheeks were red and burning from embarrassment. There was an awkward pause before Anderson spoke again.

"If he hurts you Shepard, he will get a stern talking to." I chuckled. "I can handle myself, but he won't hurt me  intentionally. He's sweet and he's funny and he's smart and witty." God I'm talking about this with Anderson.

"I sound like a school girl." I chuckled. "I know what you mean, there was a girl once. She was a scientist who was researching biotic students. We had a thing and, I don't like the way we left things." "Why? What happened?" "Oh, nothing bad. I just got called away and we stopped speaking after a while."

"It's never too late." I smiled. "I suppose your right." He chuckled sadly. I sat my hand on his back and he smiled at me. "How was that coffee?" "You have no idea. Why can't Gardner hire a barista." I chuckled.

"I didn't tell you? I have a coffee machine." He pointed across the room, on his desk was a coffee maker." "Anderson! This is the greatest thing on the ship! Why didn't you tell me about this?" "Because I knew you'd go Smeagol from lord of the rings on me." He laughed. "My precious." I stroked the coffee maker and grinned evily at him making him laugh before I made a cup of coffee.

I took a sip of a nice flat white and sighed. Anderson just laughed. "Is there anything else you need?" Anderson opened and shut his mouth. "No, your dismissed." I sat next to him. "Anderson, something's up. What it's it?" "Just thinking about that girl I was telling you about." I knew he was lying but I decided to drop the subject.

I went to the door. "Oh and commander, you left your stuff here."  I looked on the bench where I sat my clothes from the night before. "Oh, my apologies. I showered here last night, I needed warm water." I grabbed my clothes and hurried out of the room.

I found Nihlus checking out the galaxy map. I walked past him and went to See Kaiden.

"So your saying, Shepard, and Nihlus, have a thing?" "Yes Kaiden and it's none of your business." Joker sighed. "I think it is my business. It's fraternization." "No your just jealous Shepard doesn't like you back. Besides, it's not fraternization if Shepard and Nihlus didn't know this was going to happen. They only found out today."

I walked into the cockpit. "Thank you Joker." Kaiden jumped and Joker smirked. "I'll have you know major Alenko my personal life is none of your business." He put his head down, I leaned in to whisper to Joker. "Anderson just gave me the dad speech on Nihlus." Joker laughed.

"He even asked me if I knew about amino acids." Joker burst out laughing, I grabbed his ribs in attempt to stop them from breaking. "That is halarious." "The whole conversation was embarrassing, as I was leaving he told me I left my stuff their last night from when I showered." He stifled a laugh.

Kaiden looked at us with confusion and hurt. "Don't tell anyone, I trust you." I stole his cap and took off. "Shepard! Give my hat back!" "Come get it, Lord knows you could use the excersise." "Joker..." Kaiden warned. "I  got it." Joker walked to catch up with me, I as walking in circles around the galaxy map where Nihlus was.

"Shepard give it back." "Don't whine so much, you sound like a child." "Right, bully the cripple." Joker rolled his eyes. "If you walked around more I wouldn't be doing this." Nihlus glanced at me and shook his head.

The elevator dinged and Dr Chakwas walked in. "Commander give Joker his hat back." "I'm making him excersise Doctor, I'm doing what's best for the well-being of my pilot." I fluttered my eyelids at her. She shook her head and went to talk to Kaiden.

I walked past Nihlus who stole the hat. "Hey! Give it back!" I jumped to reach the cap but failed. "Shorty." He smiled. I jumped again and when I landed our bodies were close. I could feel his breath on my face. He leaned down to kiss me but was stopped by one of Jokers comical remarks.

"Get a room, god knows there a plenty of them." Nihlus chuckled and handed Joker his hat. "Thank you, Nihlus." Joker frowned at me. "Well walk around more and I wouldn't be stealing your hat. Also that thing needs washed, it smells like a rats ass." "It's not that bad." He rolled his eyes and sniffed his hat.

He coughed a few times. "Okay, maybe your right." He walked away and went to go wash his hat.

"Everyone has to ruin a moment on this ship don't they." Nihlus shook his head. "Don't take it personally, this ship is deadly serious when need be but otherwise were quite comical. Besides ninety percent of them are probably jealous, I know for a fact Kaiden is."

"Major Alenko?" I nodded. "He's had a thing for me since we met, it can be annoying and highly disturbing at times." Nihlus growled. "Be nice on my ship would you. Hungry?" He nodded and we walked to the kitchen.

He made it a point to say I was his. Everywhere I went with him he would walk close or have his hand on my waist or an arm around my shoulder.

I walked up to Gardner the ships chef. "What can I get for you commander?" "I'll grab some leftovers. Oh, you don't have turian food yet do you?" "I have a shipment coming in, it should be here soon. Ah, here it is now." People walked into the kitchen with boxes of food.

"Any requests Nihlus?" "I'm fine with whatever." Sergeant Gardner cooked some turian beef stir fry and rice.

We were eating and conversating  with the cook. Nihlus explained why we can't eat each others food and soon enough we had finished. "That was good, you are an exceptional cook." "Thank you." Sargent Gardner beamed. Nihlus and I left the room. I headed to his room where I was searching the extranet and finding weapon mods.

"What did Anderson want to talk about?" "You don't want to know." "Sure I do, It can't be that bad." "He asked about, you and I... I told him nothing happened and then he said if you hurt me you'll get a stern talking to, then he asked if I knew about amino acids and to top it off I left my clothes there last night after a shower."

Nihlus laughed. "It's not that bad. Saren once gave me, "the talk" about all the species and then tried to set me up with an asari." "Hah, I've had Joker try and set me with many species, he once talked me up to a Volus and he proposed to me." "Your pilot and you seem quite close."

"Yeah, he's like the brother I never had. Anyway, care to tell me why your on my ship?" "I don't know, I'm here to just observe I guess." "Observe what?" "The crew and the way they interact with each other, ship performance, that kinda thing."

If that was the case why did they send their best spectre and not someone like Jondum Bao? "Okay."

"Besides, now I get to hang out with you even more." He hugged me. "Yeah, we can share terrible coffee and complain about the smell and how much we miss the citadel." "Exactly." He chuckled.

What am I to him? Am I a girlfriend? A love interest? Or is he just a flirty Turian? I hope it's not the last one, he seems to nice for it to be the last one but I suppose we will work it out along the way.

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