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I hope all my dear writers are safe!

I am here between you all to lend you an opportunity!

I know many of you could not win the contest and might crave for another opportunity to prove themselves.

Well, what better than reviewing a chapter! Now, you might tell me, oh that's boring. Tell me something else. But hey wait! Read these three points before you go!

Why should you review?
1. The moment you can tell the plus and minus of the character development, the settings, or the plot, you know you can write better, learning from their slips and soaking in their creative skills.

2. Trust me, I did this multiple times (as you might know) and I always learned something interesting from it which helped me grow into a better writer!

3. You learn a new vocabulary, a new voice, and a new twist of words. Also you ou would learn to pay closer attention to words than just skinning through like a normal read. It would help you edit better!

Your Rewards :

1. The Best Reviewer Sticker! ( you can stick it to your profile)

2. A permanent follow

3. A surprise!

4. A detailed review on your book of choice!

How to enter and the details?

Just an inline comment on the chapter entitled

A portrait ( in my book 'One Chapter Stories')

"Imagine a chef who hates to eat, an artist who's never been to a gallery. It's not credible - neither is a writer who doesn't read."

~ from an external source.

Win awards by learning! Join in now!

WRITE ON Contest 2020(CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now