Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of the alarm blaring; my eyes immediately squinted from the light shining into my bedroom through  the curtains. Rolling over in bed, I mentally gave myself a pep talk for the big day today, My hands reaching over to the bedside table for my phone. It was currently 7:01 AM giving me an hour to get ready for school before leaving. I sat up groaning and raised my arms above my head  stretching out my tired muscles. Apparently, I hadn't recovered from all the exhaustion of settling in. Walking over to the windows, I pulled them open to look at the unfamiliar view. The sun was shining brightly and the calm wind was blowing on my face. Even with the sun shining, there was a chill in the air. It is going to take me some time to get used to this..

I headed to my bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower. Coming out of the bathroom, I opened the closet where I had already hanged a couple of outfits. After a quick decision, I grabbed a  pair of  skinny  jeans and a cute maroon sweatshirt and changed into them. I looked in the mirror and decided to leave my hair open. For makeup, I applied  mascara along with a bit of lip gloss. I wanted to keep my head down and blend in with the other students which is why I decided to keep my makeup minimum. With a last final look in the mirror, I grabbed my bag which already had all the essentials; my binder, pens, highlighters, etc. I flicked off the lights before heading downstairs.

Entering  the kitchen, mum already had made some breakfast . Today would be a hectic day for all us. Mum would be enrolling Grace in the North Elementary School. Dad was going through some of his documents  while eating his breakfast. I grabbed my own omelette from the pan and settled down next to dad.

"I know it's not going to be the same without Sophie and Nathan, but I'm sure you'll make great friends here" Mum said with a smile on her lips. It didn't take a genius to figure out I wasn't the most outgoing person.

"I hope so" I muttered while shoving the eggs, ham and cheese omelette into my mouth.

Once I was finished  eating, I placed my plate in the sink and looked at the clock on the wall, it was already 8 AM. Going over to the dining table, I grabbed my bag from the ground and threw the strap over my shoulder and turned to mum who was wiping the dining table.

"Mum, I'm going to leave now. I have to collect the schedule from the office before the first class begins." I said.

"Okay sweetie, be safe. See you after school".

I nodded to that and started walking towards my car. I looked at the beauty in front of me with a smile. My car was a silver, Volkswagen polo which my dad gifted to me on my last birthday. Though, it wasn't the most expensive car out there but given that I wasn't crazy about cars, it was good enough for me.

The drive to the school was short. I checked my phone to see it was already 8:15. I squinted my eyes as I scanned the parking lot for space. I found a space at the near end of the parking lot and drove there to park my car. I switched off the engine, took my bag and got out of the car. I closed the door and locked it checking it once again just to be on the safer side.

Just as I was heading towards the gate, I heard someone yell from behind me, "WHOSE PIECE OF JUNK IS THIS!?" I turned my head around in surprise to see who was yelling and what was the matter. I saw two guys in a black Porsche. The guy on the driving seat had black hair, was poking his head out of the window and was shouting as well as pointing towards something. I saw where he was pointing at and was taken aback to see that it was towards my car. He had yelled something about junk right? Wait a minute did he just call my car A PIECE OF JUNK! Who the hell does he think he is! I'm going to set him straight.

With these thoughts I went back towards my car and replied to him coldly, "the car is mine. Do you have any problem?"

"Get your piece of junk away, I need to park my car" he scowled. What  crawled up his ass and died? does this guy has no manners. "I was here first. And besides your name's not written here. Park Your LAWN MOWER somewhere else!" I snarked at him and walked off.

Lawn Mower seriously Roselyn, that's the best you could come up with.And what happened to the Roselyn who was meek and shy. Well, the conceited prick deserved it for talking shit about my car. So much for keeping my head down. What a wonderful start of the day. Nevermind, now where is the office. I looked around and saw a signboard pointing towards the office. This is gonna be a long day I sighed and started walking in that direction.

I turned around the corner and saw the office in front of me. I entered and was immediately greeted by a woman in her early 30s with a kind smile. She introduced herself as the secretary and in a cheery voice added, "Welcome to Westwood High. You must be the new transfer student".

I nodded my head shyly and smiled. "Yea, I'm Roselyn Smith and I was here to pick up my schedule" I said nervously while playing with one of my hair strands.

"Of course!" she exclaimed, moved her chair back slightly and started rifling through some papers in a binder. "Ah! There it is. We generally email the schedules to the student before the school starts but since you're new here we didn't have the time to fix up a schedule and mail it to you. I have it right here with me. There you go" she said while grabbing another two sheets of paper from her desk and sliding them across to me.

I picked up both the sheets of paper, thanked her and turned back to walk away. Outside the office I looked at the sheets of paper, one was my class schedule, one was the school map and the last sheet contained my locker number and combination. I went over my schedule and smiled when I saw that I was enrolled in all the advanced classes just like my previous school.

I saw the time and there were five  minutes till the classes started. I opened the map and started my way towards the lockers. I took a left and found the lockers easily enough.

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