Chapter 4

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I opened the door of my car and climbed in groggily. Maybe drinking a day before school was not such a good idea. My head felt like somebody was hitting me continuously with a sledgehammer. My hands reached out to massage my forehead. Thankfully the nausea has subsided.

Anyways, it was an unplanned night. Travis's parents are not home most of the time much like mine. Most of the days, he would just stay over at my place. The guestroom seemed to be permanently occupied by him. Mostly, it was just me and my brother, mason. But it was nice having him around. Though, I would sooner die than admit it in front of him. That son of a bitch is too conceited as it is..

I honked the car horn impatiently exhaling loudly. I swear to god this guy takes longer than a girl to get ready, I muttered to myself. What the fuck is he even doing? Painting his nails? I sniggered mentally.

It takes me like ten minutes to get ready which includes, taking a shower and throwing on clothes. This is why I like staying away from girls. They take too long to get ready.Well that and the extra drama. I shuddered at the mere thought of having a girlfriend.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard somebody getting in. "It was about fucking time" I growled turning on the car. "And what the fuck were you doing anyway"

"None of your business, bitch boy. Now drive the car." He rolled his eyes while raking a hand in his hair, "Besides not all of us have a damned personal designer redesigning our entire closets every month "

 "What am I, your chauffeur? That is besides the point . even girls don't take as long as you do" I said buckling my seat belt and started towards the school

"And what would you know about girls Seb? You have never even dated one let alone doing anything else " Travis smirked while waggling his eyebrows.

I could feel a flush creeping across my neck. He is an ass. "Shut your mouth Trey or I swear I will kick you out of my car" I bellowed at him. 

"No need to be so defensive Seb. You do need to loosen up a bit though. And get laid"

"Trey" I said in a warning tone

"Maybe you'll find somebody at the party" he continued  grinning.

"Trey if you weren't my friend I would have killed you by now" I deadpanned. 

"And what makes you think I need  a party to get a girl. I am good looking and super rich. Girls fall over themselves to get my attention I am the heir to a multi-billion fortune. I can't deign myself to care about over-dramatic plastic barbie dolls  whose only concern is money. And will you shut up now or should I throw you out"

"Okay okay fine I'm going to stop now" he laughed and started to turn on the radio. 'We will rock you' by queen was on. It was also one of my favorites. Travis sang along with them , "Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise Playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday You got mud on your face, you big disgrace Kicking your can all over the place, singin' We will, we will rock you We will, we will rock you". He was practically shouting by the end.

I winced as he butchered the entire song with his non existing singing skills. "Travis shut the fuck up" I roared over the music and his awful singing.

 "Oh c'mon man. I love this song" he replied, his eyes twinkling with mischief. he was obviously enjoying this.

"Even I like it which is why I am telling you to stop ruining it with what you call singing. My are ears are going to start bleeding" I growled.   

"You are no fun" he pouted. But thankfully he had stopped singing.

We arrived at school. I drove to the parking lot and turned towards my usual parking space only to see someone had already parked there.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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