Chapter 1

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Pulling into the driveway of a two stories house, my dad parked quickly unbuckling the seatbelt and climbed out of the car. I followed him out slamming the door shut behind me, restless to get some fresh air. My legs were cramped up  from the tiring six hour drive. I stretched my body and looked at the view in front of me, the house is beautiful  if not a  little different from our old house ( brick walls with Federal White & Washed Sand mortar with front porch archways and arched window treatments) .I saw mum climbing out settling Grace on her hip, she had fallen asleep an hour ago in the car. She supported her with one arm and held her phone in her other hand.

I heard footsteps from behind me and turned around to see the movers unpacking the piles of boxes and carrying it inside. I walked through the open door and was pleasantly surprised by the interior decor of the house. The insides reminded me slightly of our old house (a large classic white two-story building with brick gable roof) having the same slightly toned down furniture. The heavy wood flooring seems to blend in with the cream colored walls. It gave off a homey and welcoming feel.

I headed up the stairs curious to look at the other rooms. The hallway had beautiful panel ceiling lights which were  preinstalled. The hallway leads to four bedrooms. The master bedroom would obviously be taken by mom and dad, the other bedroom near the end of hallway had pastel pink walls which was going to be Grace's room. Dad had already fixed things up according to our predilections. I walked to the room on the other end of the hallway which was supposed to mine.I opened the door and walked in and delightfully surprised. My room had pale lavender wall and a big window on the side which gave a beautiful glimpse of the sunset. This  room was more spacious than my old room from back in Nashville. It also had a huge walk-in three cornered spacious closet. What else can a girl ask for?

Hearing footsteps behind me, I turned to see my dad looking at me with a small smile on his face as he leaned on the doorframe.

"So, what do you think?" he asked glancing nervously at the walls.

"Honestly, it's better than what I had expected. It has only been a couple of minutes in here and it's already giving me a homey feeling" I replied honestly.

"That's great. I know it must have been hard for you to leave behind your friends, but I'm sure you'll like it here" he replied with a tender smile.

"I hope so as well." I replied with a smile of  my own.

We headed downstairs to unpack everything, we settled down to organize everything according to the furniture items, dishes and the utensils and some other stuff. I never realized how much stuff was actually stored in our house until we had started packing. However, it was a good thing as I de-cluttered all of the junk that I had owned and only took with me the things  that I actually use.

By the time we had finished putting together half of the stuff, it was already dinner time. We had managed to arrange all the necessary things which we would need for tomorrow. Mom had already enrolled me in the Westwood High which was a ten minute drive from our home as mom had told me earlier.

"The kitchen is still not organized . We are going to have to order in. " Mom said tiredly plopping down on the couch.

"I want pizza!" Grace chirped while unboxing her carton of toys.

"Pizza, it is" I grinned and ordered two large Pepperoni and 1 medium Extra cheese BBQ Chicken pizza. We were unpacking the boxes when 30 minutes later the doorbell rang which was probably the pizza delivery boy. Mom went to open the door and got the pizzas. We were all starving  from  the hard work. I was famished .My stomach was growling like a very hungry lion. We all sat down  on the dining table and  started eating. I devoured the pizza hungrily tuning out mom and Dad's conversation and Grace's blabbering.

After the dinner, Mom took Grace to her bed to tuck her in and I cleaned the kitchen table. Meanwhile, dad was working on organizing his own things for his work as he would have to join immediately tomorrow. We had to move because he was offered a job here in Davis Clinic which is one of the most reputable hospitals in not just North Carolina but also in the entire country. He accepted it because it had better pay as well as better perks. For me, I have to admit, moving was hard. I've always had a very reserved and a quiet nature. Even in primary school, I wasn't the most social one, Sophie took me under her wing. She is my exact opposite. Where I am quiet, she is loud; I am reserved while she can even talk  to a rock; I am short at 5'1 she stands at 5'8 ;Where  I was the nerdy average girl, she is the head cheerleader; I have brown hair and hazel eyes, she has blonde hair and green eyes. But even with our polar opposite personalities we're best friends. We have seen each other at our worst as well as at our best. She is currently dating the football captain Nathan. He is striking with his sandy hair, warm brown eyes and a smile that could turn anybody into a puddle. Soph and Nathan have been dating since junior high and look adorable together.

Just as I was reminiscing old memories, my phone chimed in my pocket. A smile quickly made its way across my face as Sophie's name popped up onto the screen. "Hey Soph", I murmured as I picked up the call. "Wassup Rosie, how are you settling in" she asked. "It's not as bad as I had thought. The rooms are really spacious and airy, The view from the window is nice as well " I replied while glancing at my window. 

"So are you all set for your grand beginning in your new high school?" she asked sarcasm dripping from her voice.

 I scoffed at her. "Honestly I am very nervous for tomorrow. It's nerve wracking even thinking about it. Who knows what kind of people will be there? What if I make a fool of myself? I don't even know what am I going to wear tomorrow? What if nobody talks to me? I don't want to spend the entire year all by myself!" 

"Whoa! Hold your horses right there. Everything is gonna be fine. Who knows you might even find your prince charming" she chuckled.

 "Not in this lifetime!" I sniggered. "By the way how is Nathan? I'm missing you both terribly" I asked with a melancholic smile

"He is with the boys Brandon and Jason. They are having a games night. We both miss you as well. Why did you have to move?" she whined.

 "C'mon Soph. Both of us know I didn't have much of a choice." I said. 

"Ya I know but it won't be the same without you. Never mind I am going to sleep now. Good luck for tomorrow. You better fill me in with what happens" she said."

"All right good night. I am going to hit the bed now. Bye". 

I threw my phone on the bedside table, rummaged through the carton of boxes scattered on the floor for my pjs and quickly changed into them. I'll do the rest of unpacking tomorrow. With this thought in my head I got ready for the bed, set the alarm to 7 AM and tucked myself in bed.

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