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- Calum's P.O.V.-

It was Monday now and I had to go to work again. Sigh. Why can't the weekend be longer?

I really hadn't thought about that offer. I guess I was going to say yes though. I'd do anything to get away from Bucky.

I hate that guy with a burning passion. But I was grateful to him though. He gave me a job when no one would give me one. So I owe him.

When I got to work I was greeted by a very happy looking Ashley. That girl always seems happy. I wonder if she' s always on drugs. No normal person couls always be so happy and look so healthy. " Hi Calum." she said with a smile bigger than last week. 

" Hi Ashley." I said looking at her weirdly. And then it came out. " Ashley are you always on drugs? How do you look so happy all the time?" Any other person would've been offended but she just smiled and shook her head.

" I'm not on drugs Calum. I'm just a very happy person."  She answered me and started laughing. 

I just walked to the back where I saw Vic already there. Am I always this late? He too was smiling. Why was everyone smiling today? Is it some kind of national celebration day? I guess I'll find out later though because I saw a little list with the things I have to do today. Ugh why is there so much work? Damn I'm complainig and this is just a post-it note. I remeber the day he left me a whole paper. And so I started working.


I only had ten more minutes to work. I was done with the list so right now I was talking to Vic. He was telling me about how he was going to get married inless than a month. 

" Yeah bro, I'm scared. I mean I love Kellin with all my heart but what if we get in an argument and he leaves. I don't think I can handle that." 

" Don't be let it be. If it's meant to be then it will and if it doesn't work out you'll always have me." I said smiling.

" Thanks man. Well I have to go. Bye." He said looking at his wrist watch.

" Bye." I said looking at the wall clock. I grabbed my things and was about to leave when Ashley came in and said " Calum there's that blonde tall man looking for you again. Is he a stalker? Do you want me to call the police?" 

" No, don't call the police. He's here cause he offered me a job." I told her. Jesus this girl can go from extremely happy to calling the police.

" Oh ok. Bye then." She said happily, again.

I went through the door and saw the man sittingn fiddling with his fingers. When he saw me he stood straight up and said " Hello Calum."

"Hello." I said a little intimidated by him.

" You know why I'm here. So do you have an answer?"

I only nodded and said " Yes."

" Uh is that yes to the offer or to the question? I'm confused." He said scrunching up his nose in the cutest way. 

" Uh to the question. I wanted to ask you what I will have to do. I mean obviously bake but how often?" I asked.

" Oh, well you'll have to do everything I say." He said with a smirk. " And sometimes make little pastries for like four hundred people." 

" Uhh sir does 'everything I say' include killing people?" I asked in a whisper. I don't want to be a killer.

" No just evrything I say." He said again with that stupid smirk.

" Does that include selling drugs?" I asked him awkwardly.

" No Calum it doesn't include anything illegal. I can assure you." He said in a serious tone.

" Oh thank God cause I don't want to end up in jail."

He laughed and asked " So do you take the job, Calum?"

I thought about it a little bit. I mean I practically don't have to do anything just some baking here and there so what the hell " Yes" I said with allot of confidence.

Later that day I told the boys and they said they were happy for me. But little did we know what I was getting into.

an: Ok now the cake action is gonna start. :)

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