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Jess froze against the boy that held her

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Jess froze against the boy that held her. He wore no hood this time.

"It's you. The boy who kidnapped me from my house."

"They call me Luke," he said flatly but he had his grip around her neck, and it tightened ever so slightly.

Jess inhaled a small, tense breath. They began walking, Luke using his body to nudge and guide her. They stuck close to the shadows, and he knew exactly where they were going; familiar with all the corridors and pathways.

She could feel his warm breath against her neck, his big hands locked around her wrist.

Suddenly, he stopped. Jess stiffened as he leaned closer to her, "it was me who dropped the metal."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"You heard what they said. It's a trap. They need to call off the mission now if they don't want to be crushed."

Jess glanced over her shoulder, their eyes meeting. She did not hide her surprise.

"Take the stairs. Go straight to ground. Don't look back. Don't hesitate," Luke gave an alert scan around their area, still holding her. "You're on level three right now."

"You're helping me?"

"I guess you don't want it, then?"

"No! No... I just-"

At the corner of her eyes, she saw him smile weakly. In a quiet, hushed voice, he said, "you've never heard of me or seen me, is that understood?"


"Good," he scanned a card against the beeper. The door opened, he shoved the card in her hands and gave Jess a push.

Jess stumbled inside and when she turned, the door closed shut. And once again, she was alone.


At the ground floor, the air was on fire. Smoke, heat, the sudden coldness that washes over them like blizzards...

In the midst of shouting and confusion, the strike of copper hair was illuminated by lights and shadows. His eyes danced, his gaze aimed sharply at each target. His fingers moved, arms outstretched as he turned like flames.

Jason leaped through the fire, intact. An enemy leaped off the wall, body parallel to the floor as they shot themselves at Jason.  

Jayden blew the mist out of the way, arms outstretched. The air swirled and the man was blown away.

"I got you, Cap!"


Jason's flame widened its mouth at the woman with a sharp icicle in her hands, the weapon aimed for Jayden's heart. The flame, a beast of a being, engulfed her whole. Her screams were cut short.

"You guys-" Jayden coughed, "-go ahead! I got this!"

With a twirl, Jayden forced his body into a flip. Right foot pointed downwards, left leg bent, he zoomed to the ground with a tornado behind him.

Ice flew like bullets, the wind attempted to change his direction, and the thunder cracked in the atmosphere. Jayden weaved through them, and the blast of wind send the nearby enemies flying away.

Jason closed his eyes, his lungs greedily suck in the oxygen Jayden just provided. He hugged against a pillar, waiting for the wind to pass.

Jayden clicked his fingers, directing a green aura to the side. "I'm too awesome to be bet!"

As sudden as his confidence, a female metal wielder tore the aluminium from the side and sharpened them into sword.

"Crap!" Jayden leaned back as the weapon soared above his head, slicing off an inch of his hair.

He hit a wall. The metal wielder threw the metal swords at him, but they slowed when they neared his body.

Jayden turned to the side. Nick leaped horizontally in the air, flying and flipping across. The swords turned, their commander has changed.

The female wielder sensed the danger and leapt back into the shadows for shelter. The metal broke, raining on the enemies.

The familiar orange and red dragon slithered the sky. The flames burning everything it touches. Jason threw himself time the ground when another fire wielder challenged his beast, the purple flames licking the walls, following Jason's shadow.

Even a fire wielder like him could feel his skin burning and sizzling.

The leader of the Hound was seen soaring the air. She flipped gracefully like a waterfall, the fluid twirling around her body in a spectacular water show.

She landed firmly, throwing two men across the warehouse.

"You need to keep going! They're burning us down here!" She released a trail of water, extinguishing the fire.

He gave a glance at Jayden.

Jayden gave a nod. "Clover and I got this. Just don't miss me too much."

"Jayden, not now!" The water hissed as it made contact with the flames. Clover's grey eyes scanned the surroundings, firing with acute precision. "And would you tone down on the fire next time, Jason?"

Jason slanted a grin and didn't wait any longer. He gave a brief wave at Jayden, dashing for the stairs. He tapped his earpiece, calling for Davis' team as they moved their way upstairs.

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