diary : A dream or a nightmare?

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Arhus woke up with a sad face. He struggle to come out from his rug. He fumbled his way through the light switch. This never happened. Arhus was a morning bird. But today he was acting strange. Something was surely itching him from inside. He straightly headed for his bathroom.

The hot water pouring from the shower touched his gentle body helping him to eliminate some of his tiredness but not completely. His sunken eyes added a curtain to his beautiful green iries. He wasn't connected to the real world anymore. Not a single bit.

His mind somehow got disconnected from his body, making him feel someone else , someone completely different from the person now. He always tried to delete his past memories. But they never got deleted. Last night the memories restored in his mind which he made best to avoid. The memories that he always tried to disown. But he too, was playing a major role in them.

Arhus walked out of the bathroom , headed for his wadrobe and the clothes which his eyes first struck upon was what he was wearing. His mom called out, " Arhus, baby come down have some breakfast." But ,he didn't response. He rushed downstairs and without greeting his parents he left the house. His parents were surprised with his action. His mom ran behind him and pulled him by his elbow. She started, " where do you want to go?Is everything okay?" Arhus looked in her eyes and said , " yeah mom! don't worry , I am going to my friend's house for some project. I"ll be back home before evening." he said leaving her wonderstuck.

Arhus sat in his honda city and turned the ignition . He drove at a medium pace. The voices on radio were playing. But he paid least attention to them. He was just indulged in his thoughts. He swiftly took a right turn and lesser than a second brakes were applied. There stood a little girl being terrified. Arhus was a bit shocked , but let out a relief expression on knowing that the girl was safe. He walked out from his car and made his way towards the girl. She refused to speak to him and ran away from him. Arhus just stood there looking at the fading figure. He walked back and started the engine.

He turned the radio off and focused on the road ahead. There were many buildings and apartments passing by. After a fifty minutes ride , the car stopped. He hopped off his car and made his way towards a field. The field was an epitom of mother nature's creation. There was a small pond , not very far from where Arhus was standing. At the right side, there was a horse stables. Twelve to fifteen horses were kept inside and there was a keeper as well. Arhus just walked inside the stables. The keeper saluted him and he too, appreciated him. He went to a horse. This horse was a tadbit different from other horses. The horse was white in colour but it had brown spot on his left ear. There was also a ribbon tied to his right ear.This horse wasn't strong and his body also looked a tadbit weak. Inspite of all these things , Arhus picked that horse. He sat on him and started his way towards the pond. The horse wasn't able to run faster , but he wasn't at a slower pace. They crossed the pond and went more away from the stables and the roads. Atlast, they came to an hault. The scenario which was in front of them was just breathtaking. The ground was covered with greenery making it look wrapped in green velvet sheet. There were houses which looked as if they have been placed as showpiece there, enhancing the beauty of the place. The air was so clean and smelt the fragrance of some flowers which were planted near by in a nursery.

But, he was least bothered. He suddenly collapsed to the ground. The tears started rolling down his cheeks. His eyes closed but the tears didn't stop flowing. He was crying out his emotions. He just didn't bother about the world anymore. He just wanted to cry badly. The tears which he always controlled and the sentiments which he had locked in the very bottom of his heart were all just open today.

He wasn't shy or uncommunicative person. But he wasn't even an open book. But now , at the very moment he was transparent. He appeared to be fragile, broken and nostalgic to some unforggetable memories. Those memories were unevitable. The pain was seen all over his face. It looked like this pain was so intense that it was very difficult for him to overcome it. He just remained silent and sobbing quietly.He opened his mouth to speak but then closed it. Suddenly he started chraughing.

"Bounty, I don't know from where to start. There is so much to tell and I just never did. I never spoke . And I'm regretting it. Its just that why such things happened in my life? Why me? Did I do something wrong in my previous life that I had to Suffer? God, what did I do? Why did you take my brother away from me?Why?" he said. Arhus again started crying loud. As if begging for something. Begging for the life of his elder brother,Sid. There again filled silence, the silence that crept over everything. Only, the rustling of wind was to be heard. Arhus looked up in the sky and tears fiercely accelerated down his cheeks.

Then he felt two arms wrapped around him. He looked at the person who was hugging him so tightly. There appeared a face buried in his shoulder. The same face which he always longed to see. Kiara, her name was Kiara. She was his girlfriend.
" Arhus, I know something was wrong and please don't cry. You know I can't see you crying." She told. She sat besides him and caught his arm tightly. Arhus just kept looking in the scenario ahead and not making a single move to prevent his tears from coming out. Kiara's hand ruffled from his hair and she kissed his forehead."Arhus, I am not going to force you to tell me . But you can just speak out your mind. Only if you trust me." she said and took his hand in her hand. Their fingers entwined in each other and Kiara gently kissed them.

"Kiara, its not about me trusting you, its about something which I guess is know time to tell you. My name isn't Arhus." He said and his words almost shocked the person sitting besides him. But, he didn't bother to look at her expression.He continued," Yes, my name isn't Arhus. My name is Jay. I am not from America or something. I used to live in this country from the very beginning. But something happened which forced us to leave our place and come here. That only incident which shooked my life completely. And today again, I dreamt about that incident again."

Kiara saw so much pain in his eyes that made her feel sorry for him.She never saw him like that before. She caught his hand tightly , signalling him to proceed if he could. " I had a brother named Sid. He was ten years elder to me. But, it seemed as if he was my age cause he used to play with me whenever I told him to. He was my better half. A total half. I never liked to be away from him. But now he is away from me. Far away. Where I can never go and see him. I had such beautiful memories with him but they all crashed when he died. And his death was drastically dreadful. Like the ones shown in movies. He attempted a suicide."

Kiara was shocked. She asked the reason for it and gently wiped his tears with her small digits. Jay started," That night before he attempted suicide, he started crying bitterly. He told me that he is an unsuccessful man in this world and his life is a complete shit. He endured so much pain but that night it was flowing with speed. He said that his choice of profession was wrong and now, he has to pay for it. He never wanted to become an engineer, he loved photography. He wanted to become a photographer. But , people around us didn't approve. He was forced into this profession. Sid felt that he was lonely. Nothing was undercontrol, he thought. But he never understood that whatever happens we all were there with him. Atleast me. When I stood up to fetch a glass of water and returned back in our drawing room , his physical appearance was absent. I headed to his bedroom. He gave me a last look and said 'always do what you love Jay.' and my name was the last word he said."

"Then after a couple of seconds I heard a thud sound of the chair and saw his body hanged . I was completely helpless. He did injustice on me. He left me crestfallen. I just starred at him in complete trauma. I wasn't able to move myself. I felt numb. Who ever thought that a ten years kid was so unfortunate to witness his brother's suicide. The door bell rang continuously but I didn't pay attention to it. There wasn't even a drop of water coming out of my eyes. After sometime , I saw my mother rushing towards me and she picked me up and turned herself towards the place where I was completely engrossed. She saw her son's body hanging from the fan above and she was almost going to fall but my dad prevented it. My parents saw his death, but I witnessed it. They did overcome this, but it wasn't possible for me. Not even one percent. It wasn't a suicide it was murder."

" From that day onwards I was lost. They brought distractions for me, but I never really got distracted. I needed a change. I needed someone's hand to help me stand up on my feet. I needed to overcome this. I needed to forget this..." and then, he looked and Kiara. He wiped his tears completely and saw in her eyes. " Thats when I found you. You weren't a distraction but I needed you. After this, I never thought to fall in love. But you made me fall. I think you are a blessing given to me by my brother. And now, its my turn to choose my profession and he appeared again, reminding me that no matter what world thinks about you, you should always do the thing that makes you happy."

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