The Thread that Unravels:

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  • Dedicated to Glen A. Larson, Knight Rider Fans, NBC Classic Knight Rider

Michael slipped up the University's back stairs to the lab where he knew Bonnie would be working. It had been at least a year since they had last laid eyes upon each other; needless to say things didn't end well between them. The resurrection of an old flame named Stevie had drawn a dangerous wedge between the co-workers, particularly when Michael's attention turned towards Stevie again. 


Before Stevie had reentered their lives, Bonnie and Michael had discovered an unspeakable attraction to each other. But now that Stevie returned, Bonnie didn't feel like she could hold a candle to Stevie's slender radiance and model-like features. Bonnie saw herself more the semi-rat or queen of dirt, rags, and inventions.... rather than a real woman... a woman like Stevie.

When she saw the happiness upon Michael's face every time he hung out with Stevie, she began to reevaluate their friendship and relationship. The brunette mechanic knew she could never stand a chance with Michael and when his engagement to Stevie was announced, Bonnie knew she had to leave before things became any more painful. All she wanted was for Michael to be happy and when she discovered Stevie was his happiness, she quietly and graciously decided to hand in her resignation. 

She hadn't even said goodbye to Michael, Devon, or Kitt in person before leaving. She was too cowardly. Instead she left them a note with her resignation papers. She was afraid one, or all of them might try and talk her into staying with the Foundation when she had already decided to leave. 

Dear Michael, Devon, and Kitt,

I'm writing to inform you that I am leaving for personal reasons. I've decided to take up a job at the University of San Francisco. They are offering me a grant for my research and the chance to make a name for myself in the world of scientists. I'll miss you all greatly. 


I wish you all the luck in the world for your future with Stevie. I know you two will be very happy. Take care of Kitt for me and please explain to him that just because I left- it doesn't mean that I don't love you all. It was just time for me to leave. Someday you'll understand.


Take care of Michael for me. He can be quiet a handful but I know he loves you. I wish you all the happiness in the world. 


Thanks for being like a father to me. Working with you has been the greatest honor and privilege in my life. I'll miss you. 


Please forgive me. I know my leaving might be tough for you to compute... and right now, I can't explain my departure to you. I know you'd see right through any lies I might tell you to soften the blow. I'm sorry. Please don't think ill of me. Stevie and Michael will take great care of you.  And I? I will never forget or stop loving you. If you are ever in danger, I'll forward an address so that you can find me. 

I don't know if I will ever return. If I am being honest, I think the chances of me coming back are very slim to none. If I don't return, let me just say that you are the greatest invention that I have ever had the opportunity to work with. You are my world and this means that leaving you is crushing me as well. And Kitt, just in case I didn't say it enough, I love you.

Love always,

Dr. Bonnie Barstow 

Slipping away from the premises while Devon, Michael, and Kitt happened to be away was a bit hard for the brunette mechanic. F.L.A.G. was practically the only home she had known since childhood and Devon, Michael, and Kitt had been her only family since she had joined the team. 

Tears and mascara streaked down her face as she hazarded one last glance back at the brick walls of the F.L.A.G. headquarters and she let out a series of heavy sobs. Feeling knots forming in her stomach and the separation anxiety growing Bonnie sped out of the parking lot and towards her new home at the University of San Francisco. 

((to be further edited later)) 

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