Bonus chapter 2

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Ilayda's POV:

It was six in the afternoon, house fully decorated with only small touches left here and their music had already begun play and the first guests started arriving.

I was done and thanks to Antoine it looked amazing

"There you go simple, classy, and chic"

He had called it, and I couldn't help but find him right the hair didn't only suit my looks but also suited me.

Makeup was simple too but it looked flawless I couldn't be grateful enough to these people.

With few touchups, I only had to get inside the dress and get out of this room.

As time went by I was getting more and more nervous Nona along with Belle had tried to calm me down but they couldn't do much for me.
I started thinking about my parents, I wish they were here with me. My mom, I can imagine her being in tears for I was leaving her, yet at the same time happy because I found someone who cared about me deeply enough. My dad would walk me to the aisle and hand me over to Christan asking him to take good care of me.

I guess some happy endings aren't always completed.
Yet I was grateful some don't get to have second chances but I did.

And today I get to marry the man I love.
It's crazy looking back at everything that had lead to this moment.

"I'm telling you Nona she's going to stay there the whole day"
Belle's voice brought me back

"Well for goodness sake it's about time you come back to the living" she added. "Listen I know you're nervous about tonight, but don't worry my brother is an expert" she winked.

"That's very unladylike " Nona hit her head but gently.

It's true Chris and I had never done it, he wanted to but also wanted to wait because doing it when you're married is more special, he had said and my virgin self couldn't agree more.

But I wasn't worried about that for some reason, I think it's because I trust Chris with everything now.

"As much as I don't like what Maribelle said she's right" Nona came in front of me to look at my face I think. "There is no time for you to  put your head in the clouds, you need to get dressed now"

"You're right Nona I'm sorry, I'm just really overwhelmed"

"That's alright sweetie, you have all the right to be but you can't forget to do other things"

"Alright, so what now?" I asked

"The dress " Belle had replied.

"Okay, are their people coming"

"Half the people we invited are already here, the others will be in shortly"

"Okay thank you"

"Here's the dress " Nona took the dress out of the hanger and hand it to me. And I immediately started putting it on.

There weren't many people invited we wanted to keep it in between the family, but the list got long only with the family friends.

I started putting the dress on, it would be a lie if I said it didn't look when I looked at myself in the mirror. Apparently, Nona also thought the same.

"Oh God, you look absolutely amazing" she came to hug me

"Oh Nona, don't cry" she began erasing her tears as mine started to make an appearance.

"Alright stop both of you, your going to make me cry" Belle joined us in the hugging group. Belle broke the hug to answer a phone call then ended it.

"Okay, okay we have to stop, Ilayda you look beautiful but we can't stay here forever, all the guests have arrived and my brother is waiting for you "

"Oh okay"

The moment has come.

A few seconds later we heard a knock on the door.

Belle opened the door to reveal Mr. Elfonso.

"Ilayda sweetheart, you look absolutely breathtaking"

"I... Thank you Mr. Elfonso"

"Ilayda" I looked at him "would you please start calling me dad?"

I couldn't possibly say no.

"Yes dad"

"Good now let this dad of yours give you a way to your future husband, can I do that?" His eyes were watery.

"I'd be honored" I placed my hand on his arm and started walking.

"Ilayda, I don't think I ever thanked you for what you did to our family. I can finally go peacefully when my time comes, I know my son is in good hands and so is the whole family. You helped me get my son back and you helped free our family. I will forever be grateful"

His words were sincere, I felt my heart being surrounded by gentle warm hands, softly holding my heart and protecting it. I could feel tears on the verge of breaking through, But I couldn't cry.

We finally arrived at the alter, everyone stood up when the doors opened, all eyes were on me but mine was on Christian. He was looking behind him and didn't pay attention to the opened doors, When he turned around, he was confused at first as to why everyone was standing, then he looked at the door.

His eyes were wide, surprised, and doubtful, he blinked twice then thrice, his mouth was slightly open so he closed it curving his lips into one tight line. he looked above him and then back at me, as I was walking in small steps towards him until I finally stood in front of him.

"Take good care of her, and know that if you make her cry, I will kick your ass son"

We both laughed, but Christian's laugh quickly dropped.

"Thank you dad" I kissed dad on the cheek then went to stand next to Christian.

He avoided looking at me.

"Are you okay?" I asked beginning to worry. he only nods, but I kept looking at him, as the priest started the prayer.

"Are you sure?" He didn't say anything. Then his face got closer to mine and he whispered in my ear.

"You look so beautiful, I can't hold myself together" I blushed, I was as red as a tomato.

The priest gave us a suspicious look, truthfully it did look suspicious.

"We are gathered here, to unite this man, and this woman, into the holy union of marriage"  the priest continued. I couldn't listen to all of it,  and I was mostly distracted by Christian's arms that were caressing mine until it was time for our vows.

It was Christian's turn first.

"I was writing my vows and I promised myself that I won't be writing a whole page because it would be too long and too boring and god knows that it's one of the reasons why I don't like weddings. But mostly, I couldn't write a long page because there is no word and no sentence that is sufficient for me to describe how much I love you, and how much you mean to me. you're my world, my life, my home, my light. I promise that as long as I live I will try in any way to make you smile, to make you happy, and to make sure you only love me, forever"

I smiled and held his hand even tighter, I fall in love with him even deeper each day.

I held the little paper in my hands and started reading.

"Before you, I had nothing, before you I felt like nothing, but when you came into my life you brought all the different colors along with you, you are my miracle, and I don't know what I did in my life to deserve such a miracle, but I'm so grateful. thank you for loving me, and choosing me as your partner. I promise that I will love you more each day and I will be by your side. and I can't wait for our life ahead"

"With the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife, you make kiss the bride"

We made it, my love, we are together now until death does us part. we had a long journey both filled with sorrow and joy, with death and life. but our love was stronger every time, and it overcame all obstacles.

I'm glad I was your maid.

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