Chapter 29

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Third person's POV :

"Did you hear this? the girl is still inside, search the place, look in every single room, I don't care if you have to kill everyone in this hospital, but GET ME THE GIRL " said the woman, she was very angry but above all, she was really determined, she made it a life goal to kill that girl.

"You, did you get anything on the cameras inside the hospital? "

"No, I couldn't get anything because they were off, there is no recording of today "

"What the... ? Someone is playing us," she thought deeply

"Go look for her but stay awake, there is something weird happening in this hospital "

All the men went to look for what their boss asked them to, but there was no sign of the girl which only drove their boss angrier. Suddenly, she had an idea

"Did you check the rooftop? "

"No, why would someone sick be on the rooftop "

"Fucking bloody idiots, follow me " she gathered all her men, half took the stairs and the other half took the elevators, she chose to take the stairs.

Arriving at the rooftop, one of the men kicked the door open, and they all spread in the rooftop. It was empty except this little chamber in the corner

" check that place " she ordered, and the men did exactly what she asked for

" Boss, come check this out " she went forward and entered the little room

" Well well, look who's here, what you were playing hide and seek with us, you should've known that I 'll end up finding you "

the girl she was looking for was sitting in a wheelchair next to a small bed, she didn't look scared, she didn't look surprised, she showed no emotion, which only drove the Boss crazy because she was living for the moment she will kill the girl and see the look of fear in her eyes when she will be begging her for her life but she won't have mercy on her, but none of that happened, this girl wasn't scared of her, if she knows better she would say that the look in her eyes is a look of challenge

"I'm talking to you, what kitten got your tongue? I'm here to kill you as I did to your mother and your silly father, don't you want to know what they felt at that moment when their soul was leaving their body "

"Honestly, I'm really getting sick of you" the girl spoke, surprising everyone, including herself she thought she was weak, she thought that she will be scared, she will be crying, but apparently she wasn't, and that only made her more confident and strong.

"Well maybe you want to meet your parents smiling, just tell them I said hello "

The woman raised her gun toward the girl's forehead


"Hello to you too," said a voice behind her

She turned her head to see who was talking but she already knows

" now slowly turn around, or I'll blow your mind "

" please you'll do no such thing, you are your father's little boy, you can't kill anyone"

" you sure? "

He pointed the gun toward one of her men and shot him right in the head

" now maybe you want to rethink about that, so turn around "

" I'll kill her "

" you'll do no such a thing because if you kill her, bang and you're dead too, and you don't want that, you value your life too much"

She turned around still holding a gun next to the girl's head, to find another gun pointed at hers, and at least twenty men holing their guns to her men's head. She looked at her man and only saw a half of them

"where is everyone else ? " she asked one of her men

" oh you'll be happy to know that they are still stuck in those elevators but don't worry for now they are fine," he said with a sinister smile on his lips

" well played Elfonso, I must say you are twice a man your father will ever be, but just tell me something, you knew we were coming, how? "

" I told them " came a voice from behind, the man started coming forward

" Rolando? Why? Why did you do it? I trusted you, you were my right hand,? "

" sorry Rina, I just couldn't let you kill an innocent person "

" innocent? innocent? her father killed my husband, and you call that innocent? You.. you fell in love with her didn't you ?"

" It was her father who did everything not her, and she was punished enough for her father's mistakes don't you think? "

" not yet" she turned around to face the girl with a gun pointed at her " I don't care if this is the last thing I 'll do in my life, but I will fucking do it"

" DON'T"

" DON'T "

they were screaming, the poor girl saw the end coming, so she closed her eyes to try and welcome the eternal darkness.



A few moments later

"baby, baby open your eyes, look at me " she did, and when she did she found the eyes of her lover looking at her, and then she looked down, the woman was shot twice once in the back and the other one in the head, blood was everywhere

" did you..... d-

" I did, sorry I couldn't let your boyfriend kill her, just for respect, I couldn't let her be killed by her enemy"

"come baby let's get out of here"

" But what about....."

"don't worry the police is here, they'll take care of everything " He started rolling her on her wheelchair

" wait" Chris stopped moving

" Rolando, what will happen to Rolando? " Rolando came in front of her and sat on his knees

" glad to know you care about me, but don't worry Cara mia, I'll be alright"

" what do you mean what are you going to do? "

" well I'll be leaving to a place far, far away from here, can't let the police catch me you know " he winked at her

"Now if you'll excuse me ? " he took Ilayda's hand and kissed her, then kissed her forehead

"Take good care of her please," he told Chris

"Always "

" Bye Rolando," said the girl

" Thanks, man" Rolando nod, and left with a smile on his face, but that smile was fake, he has to go now but he promised to come back one day, just to see her even from up far, because he knows, he will miss her.

They stood still watching him leave until they couldn't see him anymore, then they started walking again.

" so it's over "

" It is "

" For real, we can be happy now "

" yes, we can be happy now "

she took a deep breath " finally"

" let's go home," he said smiling.

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