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"Oh yes! There it is! Finally a car lot."
My dad says, parking his Audi.
My head feels like exploding, we have just arrived and I am already freaking out.
My very first concert: Green Day. Nice way to start, isn't it?
My father made me once listen to Green Day in 2006 and I instantly fell in love with those guys. I was just 8 at that time, but I already had a strong passion for music and I used to play the drums. Yes, girls also play the drums.
Soon I became a great fan of their and I covered up the walls in my room with GD posters and pics. Ah, Billie Joe! I was wildly in love with him, just as a young teenager could!
At the age of 13 I decided to enroll in a Hip-Hop class and that day everything changed. I forgot about GD and BJ, I entered the Hip-Hop community and I also fell in love with my teacher, the first "real" person I felt something for. I remember the day I ripped all my posters from the walls... It was my way to officially turn the page to a new chapter.

Anyway, my father and I have just parked the car. Ten years have passed and now I'm ready to meet my idols.
One year ago I discovered an old CD in my grandma's car, who usually took me to school when I was around eleven. As I played it I instantly recognised a familiar guitar riff: American Idiot. That day I was leaving for the seaside all alone so I ended up playing it all the way long. Gosh! How I loved it! I remembered all the lyrics and I sang loudly each one of them!
That day I found out my passion for Green Day had never ever gone over.
So this is THE DAY. My green day!
We're walking towards those big gates where employees check the tickets. So many people around all singing, screaming, having a lot of fun. I love this place! Me and dad are finally in, and I start running to the PIT area (just that strip of ground near the stage). I finally get to it and I'm a bit upset because I'm not exactly where I wanted to be, but that's ok anyway.

"Dad, are you excited?"
"Sure! But not as you are. You look like a Golden Retriever waiting for his tennis ball shot" he replies grinning.
"It's true...Do you think Billie will look at me from the stage?" I almost sing.
"Uhm, no not really."
As we're joking together, I suddenly feel someone giving me a shove from behind. I almost fall on the ground.
"Eh! What you doing sir?!" says my father angrily and then he asks me "You ok baby?"
"Yes I am". I turn around to look for that man but I can only sight someone walking quickly with a big backpack on his shoulders.
"Is he that one?" I ask daddy.
"Yes, he has a big bag and a cap".
"I don't like him, dad."
"What do you mean?"
"Nothing, I don't like him. He seems suspicious."
"Relax, he's gone. And think about your Billie Joe who's playing in less than an hour!"

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