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I run down the whit hallway and I get to the main lifter.
A nurse is walking calmly towards where I am so I decide to ask her where I can find Billie Joe.
"Excuse me, I'm looking for Mr.Armstrong..."
"And you are...?"
"Oh sorry, I'm Mathilde. I was at the concert when he was shot and I saved his life pushing him down to the floor."
"Oh, so you are the girl who saved him?"
"Yes, I am. Is it possible for me to see him? I know he's not doing well at the moment..."
"I'm afraid it's not possible to visit him, Mathilde..."
"Please! I saved his life!"
She looks at me for a while. She rolls her eyes and says "Ok, listen. I want to help you, but I'm not going to do something I'm not allowed to, so I'll ask the doctor."
"Thank you so much!" I shout.
I'm so grateful I've met this girl right now. I start thinking I'm going to meet Billie once more and this makes my heart explode.
The nice nurse brings me to a separate room and tells me "Wait here, I'm coming back in a minute."

Life is definitely "something unpredictable". A few hours ago I was enjoying the best concert of my existence, then my idol gave me the amazing possibility to sing along with him my favourite songs and just as I was living the best moment of my life, a bastard shot him in the chest. But I was there, right there to save him. And now here I am, at the hospital, waiting for a nurse to convince the doctor to leave me meeting Billie Joe. Maybe for the last time.
This last thought hits me like a train running on the railway.
I feel tears stinging in my eyes.

"Honey, come with me" says the nurse smiling at me.
"Can I see him?"
"You can, but no more than 5 minutes."
I feel I am going to cry very soon.
"I cannot explain how grateful I am..." I start saying.
"It's ok. I'm here to help people, right?"
I'm pretty sure this nurse is an angel.
"Ok, this is the room. Please remember, no more than 5 minutes."
I nod.
"Can I touch him?"
"If you really must..."

I open the door and I enter the room number 94.
He's there, a few steps apart.
It's hard to recognise because of the wires all around him. He can't breathe on his own and a ventilator is helping him thanks to a plastic tube running down to his lungs through his throat. That breaks my heart.
His eyes are closed and his body's motionless.
He might seem lifeless if it weren't for his heartbeat beeping on the screen.
His arms rest on the blanket and I see he's wearing a white gown.
I wonder where his bloody shirt has been thrown.
His jet black hair is stuck on his forehead. I can't help caressing it gently and I feel a tear running down my cheek.
I think about the conversation with my father I had some minutes ago and yes, now I know what I feel for Billie is love. I love him so badly.

Suddenly, I hear the door clicking.

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