First meeting with the wild child - PART ONE

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The eight link has been traveling together for about six month now, going to each of their timelines. The group was in Time's Hyrule when a portal appeared. They stepped trough the it, but this time it was different. Arriving in the other side, Time, the 'old man' of the group, immediately began asking a question.

« So, anybody recognized this Hyrule? 'No' and 'Nope' came from the little group, Guess we need to find the hero of this timeline, but first we need to find a place to stay for the night. »

Agreement came from all the Links, they were hoping to get a good night sleep since, they couldn't the day before.

The group slowly began to walk in this land, silence filling the space, until Warriors spoke up

« are you sure there is a hero here? If yes, it doesn't seem like he actually protected it. We've been walking for half an hour and the only thing there is, is ruins. »


Small chat could be ear, the group have been walking for hours, and they didn't even see anything that looked like civilization, there wasn't any trace of life except all the monsters they saw on their way.

« Ok, let's stay here for the night » Time cut trough conversations.

« Finally! » said Wind while letting himself fall on the ground with a small 'oof' soon being followed by Sky and Four.

« Who's turn is it to cook tonight? »

« I think it's yours, Legend » answered Twilight.

« Oh no, please, everyone but him! » cried Four.


Link was currently walking in his Hyrule, he had defeated Ganon two or three weeks ago, and he couldn't stop being fascinated by how the construction was going in the small village. A small smile stick to his lips, he made his way to the Red-manned  Lynel he had saw yesterday.

He made his way down the rocks, going straight for the Lynel, while being cautious to not do any sound and going too close.
He was about at the right place to began his attack when the Lynel began going somewhere, Link followed it, not really understanding until he heard voice. 'Who would make that noise with a LYNEL nearby???'

He took a sprint to find eight person he's never see before talking like they didn't knew they were gonna be attacked at any moment.
He threw a rock at the Lynel, a desperate attempt to make him change of cible.

The red-manned Lynel stopped for a moment before charging straight at Link
'Looks like it worked' the hero though

He dodged an attack aimed for his head and was able to slash the Lynel with his sword, in a flurry rush, and go on it's back to stab it a around seven to fifteen time.

With a quick glance at his shoulder he saw that none of the eight strange people took acknowledge of him. He repeated the same attack a couple of time, before the weird lion horse looking-like gave his death roar.
With that, the traveller left before the group could see him.


The heroes were trying not to puke after eating the food that Legend made.
Small group were chatting. Twilight, and Time with Warriors. Sky and Four with Legend. Hyrule with Wind.

Suddenly a loud roar was heard. With that, all the heroes got to their feet and grabbed their weapon, they followed the sound only to find a red cloud.

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