Love at Sunset

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[DISCLAIMER: This is an interactive story. At the end of each chapter, you will be presented with a choice. Each choice will have two sets of numbers. You can pick your choice by rolling either a 6-sided die or a 20 sided die. The first set of numbers is for when you are rolling a 6-sided die. The second range of numbers will be for when rolling a 20-sided die. If you roll for a choice, there will be a chapter number listed by the choice. You will flip to that chaper to continue your adventure. Before each chapter, you will be given stats. If your HP or ENERGY fall below 0, you will take the punishment. When your HUNGER reaches 10, your ENERGY will drain faster. When your MP reaches 0, you won't be able to casy any more spells.]


HP: 30/30
ENERGY: 14/20
MP: 20/20
HUNGER: 0/10


This is the beginning of your story. You are living in a small city named Loope City. You are a wizard adventurer/mercenary who carries around an enchanted sword rather than a staff or a wand.

You are escorting a trade caravan from Loope City to the port in Harube, a small fishing town. Your group leaves at dawn tomorrow. The journey is treacherous.

If you were to take the road, you would be attacked by shadow elves during the night, and bandits during the day. If you were to trek through the terrain, you would surely get lost or fall to the mighty dragon said to have a den in the wood you must pass through.

After the wood lays a dangerous mountain range. The dwarves make their home there. They are a hardy bunch who are said to help lone travellers. They refuse to help large caravans. Alas, a dangerous species roam the peaks as well. The elves are swift assassins, trained in the art of stealthy murder. Not only that, a phoenix guards the path, only letting those pure of intention to pass.

Few are said to survive this journey. You grew up in Harube, and made the journey once, as a young adventurer, thus earning a scar along the spine of your back, and also learning magick.You believe that the path will never be safe until the prophecy is fulfilled. The prophecy is told as this:

An amulet lost among the oaken trees.
It shall guide thee.
The Dragon Aeriath guards the amulet
in the wood.

The amulet's glow
leads those pure of intention
to the labyrinth of time.

Those who seek the Lost King's treasure
will find not what they seek
but what they need.

You snap back to reality as your good friend Mer slams an ale down onto the wooden bar in front of you. "Aye mate! We don't leave till 'morrow! Be merry!" he yells to you. The other mercenaries join in. At last you pick up the ale and clink your jug with theirs. There are about ten or so mercenaries coming along with you to guard the caravan. Out of the ten, you are good friends with four: Mer, Fennde, Aliana, and Eli. Aliana, a female, was standing against the setting sunlight as you admired her beauty.

[DISCLAIMER: You play a white, cis, heterosexual male. I am sorry for those of you who are not attracted to women. I will write a second story after this one from the perspective of a heterosexual woman.]

You admired her fair, flawless skin and her drunken blush. Her freckled face was misshapen with laughter at some dumb joke that Fennde had just told. The sunset out the window behind her made her appear as if she were emitting a soft celestial glow. She appeared to be an angel on earth.

Aliana met your gaze with a smaller smile as you glanced away. She approached you, still smiling. "Hello to you too, Sasha! Would you care for a toast?" Not waiting for your answer, she climbs atop the bar and yells "To the mercenaries and to the wizard!" She raises her jug high in the air, her smile widening as the others cheered and clapped. They all glanced your way. From what you knew, you were the only wizard in the entirety of Loope City.

She jumps down gracefully from the bar and sits on the stool next to yours. "So, Sasha. I still don't know how you have been taught to do magick." Aliana claims. You smile, itching to tell a story. "Was it the elves in the mountains? Or maybe one of the remaining guilds? The Sons of the Blaze perhaps?" You smiled at this, how ignorant the modern people were of your skills. "I don't know.."

Even in such a fantastical realm as this, wizardry, magick in general is still an arcane talent. Few guilds remain since the end of the Great Magickal War, a war between the two largest guilds in the entire nation of Attare. The war was so brutal that both guilds, and all the wizards and warlocks that fought for them perished. The only species that commonly used magick in the modern day was the elves. They tend to stick to the mountains, and are a rare sight in Loope City, so magick is revered as a special and unique talent. You yourself were a wizard, but you tend to reserve your magick for only the most dire of times. You were hesitant to tell Aliana your story, in fear she would be disgusted and turn away from you, or maybe she would laugh in your face.


You can either go back to your rooms to rest before the coming journey, or stay and converse with your female friend some more before bed. She is dying to learn of what your past holds. What will you choose?

Chapter 2: Rest before the journey. 1-4, 1-12

Chapter 3: Stay a little longer. 5-6, 13-20

[DISCLAIMER: If the chapter that you choose is not up yet, it should be up soon. Also, yes you are playing the role of Sasha, a male wizard adventurer/mercenary.]

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