I knocked on his door and noone came to the door I saw a note taped to the door it said
Ok I went up there and kio was making a tiktok with the look even when he did it to the phone I got butterflies Kio: I have been waiting Han: sorry Kio: ok well u probably know y I want you here Han: no I dont but I came Becuz I was scared Kio: I'm having a party Han:ok Kio:go put this on He handed me a dress I put it on this is it
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Han: I'm not wearing this Kio: it's a costume party and yes u r and I'm wearing this he puts this on
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Han: dont do it Kio gives me the look Kio: come on Han: y u gotta give me that look Kio: y u gotta be so hot He pushes me on the bed then the door bell rings we go down stairs And it is bryce and every one Bryce: damn han u fine as hell Addison just gives him a look Josh and ness come Everyone's here NGL jaden looks hot af so does kio Kios with Olivia I sit there alone when jaden comes up to me Jaden: hey Han: o hey a/n Iam so drunk like soo drunk so is nessa and addison Jaden: the boys is getting g a stripper pole Han: omg is that it Tayler is dancing on it I go up to him and lick my finger trace it on his abbs grab a few ones from my pocket and stick it in his pants Tay: you wanna try Han: sure I try and I was good Jaden: damn girl Then I pass out