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I walk into his room and fall into tears he looks so bad his face all swollen he looked like my dad did when he died
I fall into his arms
Han:I'm sorry I love you
I tell him my whole life story well everything he didnt already know and how i was sorry for kissing tayler and how tayler was ik n my closet the whole time but he didnt care about that he just wanted me to be okay
Jaden; it's ok baby
I kiss him
Han: I'm going to kill josh like really kill him
I fall asleep in the chair beside his bed
I wake up and call bryce
He answers
Phone call
Ham: hey jaden gets out today can you come pick us up
Bryce: wait yall ate in the same room I thought yall hated each other
Han: were dating again
I here nessa squeal and josh go
Addison: I like yall together
Tayler:yea me to
He goes upstairs
Nes:wats wrong with him
Kellian: I think he likes han
Han:nah he bullies me he cant like me
Hes an asshole
Nate: so did jaden he used to bully u
Han: he changed anyway Bryce can you come pick us up i will be living with yall for a few months till he is better
Bry: ok I'm omy

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