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Me and jaden go up to his room.
Jaden: baby I love you
Han: I love you too baby
Jaden: no like I love love you
Han: babe I love love you too
Jaden: no babe I looooove you love you
Han: I love you too
We laugh we lay on the bed and watch tiktok. I jumped up and had an idea
Han: omg we should do a hockey prank on josh
Jaden: perfect
I go to the bathroom and mix some makeup supplies to get the perfect hickey color
I put one pretty big one and a bunch of little ones
I put on this,*on top* so they could see it and so I could look like I was bout to go to sleep
I put my hair in a messy bun
I walk down stairs and see josh and nessa making put on the kitchen
Han: I thought yall was going to bed
Nessa jumps off the counter and josh nervously laughs
I walk past them and scratched my neck so he'd look there
Nessa: josh shut up she's 18
Josh: What is it hannah
Han: it's from my curling iron dumbass
Josh: no it's not hannah
Han: yes it is josh
Josh: who gave it to you
Han: my curling iron
Josh; hannah Rae tell me right the fuck now or imma beat the fuck out of jaden and make you move
Han: ok fine the truth is nothing gave it to me
Josh: wtf you mean
At that time I call jadens name and he comes out with the camera
Han: it was all a prank
I wipe the makeup off josh looks at jaden and laughs his ass off
Josh: jaden I almost killed you man.
Jaden: it was her idea
Josh: wtf hannah
I just laugh and go upstairs take a shower and get on my phone
I posted this on twitter

Hey here with my bae

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Jadenhossler: awe here with my bae🖤🖤

joshrichards; she's my sister dude you cant have her all to your self...

Avanigregs: noooo she was talking to me

HannahRae: I was talking to my boyfriend jadenhossler

I get off my phone amd turn over jaden comes in and jumps on top of me
Jaden: baaaabe were having another party Saturday
Han: that's tomorrow what are you telling me now I'm going to sleep
Jaden: can I lay with you
Han: if you take a shower
He goes and takes a shower
Han: I want to be little spoon
I yell he comes put in nothing but a towel I keep staring at him
Like I am a big dog and hes a big bone
Jaden: like what you see baby
Han: I do baby
He walked over and kisses me
His kisses are usually nice and soft but this one was full of lust.

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