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I get up open the door and point out he takes off his hoodie off and throws it on my bed
Jaden: you can have this hoodie pls take it do whatever you want with ot just know I'm extremely sorry
We hug
Han: can we still be freinds
Jaden: couldn't be happier that you asked that
He goes in for a kiss but I put my hand in front of my mouth
He kisses my hand
Jaden: sorry
He leaves
Tayler: now where were we
Han: I just want to go to sleep of that's fine sorry
Taylet: yea its ok imma head home
Han:ok bye thanks for everything
Tayler leaves I sit on my bed and look on my phone amd see jaden posted this


Jadenhossler: I messed up big time

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Jadenhossler: I messed up big time

Fan:what's he talking about
Instagram.tea: do I smell tea
Taylerholder: yea u did man
joshrichards: what's he talking bout did he do sum to han I'll kill em
Hater: oooooooh just heard hes single that bitch is gone
》jadenhossler: she's not a bitch

I look at when jaden protected me in the comments amd look at his hoodie he knew I loved hoodies I pick it up and put it on and start crying into it.
Just then josh and addison busts in
And josh has blood on his fists and his shirt

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