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It's been six months since I've left london. Six months since i last saw aidan.

I wouldn't lie, living in the US for a while had taken my mind off things.
I was able to do a lot of things I never had the chance to, and at the same time, regain my identity as myself. Only this time, my name was no longer amelia spinelli .


I glanced up from my book. I had taken a walk around the park that afternoon, and found a good reading spot in a corner.

Time must've really passed me by, because the sun had already set.

"logan! How have you been?" My sister's best friend stood in front of me with his gym bag slung over his shoulder.
"It's been a long time."

"I'm good. He squeaked. You look better, amara."

His words made me grin.
"I do feel better.
Are you coming back from training?"

He nodded enthusiastically.
"yes. I heard from amelia that you came back to London. so I was actually hoping to run into you soon.
Are you back for good?"

"yeah . I've already enrolled in Westminster High School."

"That's a couple hours away from Bloomsbury."

"True. But it's easy to take the bus or subway going there."

He paused for a moment, seemingly pondering over what to say next. "Is amelia-"

"She's still in the States, but I bet you already knew that. You talk almost everyday, don't you?"

Logans face turned red, clearly embarrassed at my teasing.

"no , that's not- we don't-"

I slapped his arm lightly. "logan. If there's anything I've learned, it's that you should tell people how you truly feel. Life's too short, wouldn't you agree?"

He glanced at me with an unreadable expression on his face, before he let out a long breath.

I cut him off. "Is this about the medal?"

"amara. I know what I said before-"

He hesitated, before nodding once.

I sighed inwardly in relief.
It's only been three days since I got back to London , but I was glad to put this behind me sooner rather than later.
"logan. Back then, we were both confused with ourselves and our feelings.
You couldn't distinguish where amelia started and amara ended in your head. Whereas I basked in the love and attention you and others bestowed upon me, because you all thought I was amelia. I guess I lost myself for a while too, when I lived in my sisters life."

Logan stared at me blankly. "So what is it that you're trying to say?"

I turned to him with a small smile, before reaching out to touch his arm.
"That I understand what you aren't saying. You've come to terms with your feelings too, haven't you?"

Understanding lit up in his eyes. "yes, I think I have. It seems to me that you have done the same."

I felt it again, that familiar pain in my chest."That I did. But unlike you, my feelings will be my burden to bear. You still have a chance, Logan . Tell her."

He looked down at the hand on his arm, before smiling wryly. "You have no idea how much this means to me, amelia . Thank you."

"Thats what friends are for right?" i said with a sigh.

"Yeah" he said with a smile.
"so logan it's Really late i need to go home" i said.
He stood up. "can i walk you home amara? "

"No its okay logan. My mom would be waiting in her car right now "

"okay than. Bye amara" he said"

"bye logan. I'll see you around. i said before going.

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