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"How are you?"

For the first time since I met aidan , the silence between us was immensely suffocating.

He had helped me up gently once I got over my shock, leading me to the playground swing set where we had last said our goodbyes.

He had carefully bandaged my scraped hands and knees, after purchasing a few things from a nearby pharmacy.

"so aidan," I spoke again. "How are you?"

He glanced up from his feet, before looking straight ahead.
"What do you think, amara ?"

He hummed in response.
"amara spinelli . It suits you.
" I bit my lip. What happened to the guy who wore his heart on his sleeve with me?

In his place now was a blank-faced stranger who wouldn't even look at me.

What happened to you?
I wanted to ask. But you have no right to do so, my mind retorted. Not after what you've done to him.

"How am I?" he repeated, a slight catch in his voice.

"I don't know. I've been surviving each day then the next.
Shit like that. I go to school, sleep then go home. You know, the usual stuff.
I rarely get in trouble nowadays though."

"really ?
That's good to hear. Aidan, you should focus more on your studies."

The corners of his mouth lifted slightly.
", amara. I can handle myself now. You don't have to worry about me anymore.
I've been doing just fine on my own for the past six months.
Besides," he turned to me with a wry expression.
"You've got someone else to do that to. Worry about, I mean. And care for."

I pretended not to hear his last statement.
"By the way, how's your dad doing these days?"

"I heard he was released a month ago."

"He's fine."

"He was."

"Have you two finally made up?"

"What is it to you?" he finally snapped.
"Why are you suddenly acting like you care about me?"


"let go . I know that you have a kind heart,amara .
But I have also learned the hard way that kindness and love are two different things.
I do not want to repeat the same mistake again.
Six months may have gone by, but I know that nothing has changed."

He stood up abruptly.
"The bus stop is nearby. You can find your way home, right?"

I rose to my feet as well.

"ya. Will I see you again?"
I hated hearing the hope in my voice, but I couldn't help it.

I don't know amara.
" Im sorry, im really sorry "

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