Chapter Three: The Last Goodbye

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As the day dragged onward toward evening she felt the slight glimmer of hope for the city. Though any hope for the city was coupled with sorrow at the sacrifice Rohan had to pay. She saw many of the mighty northman come through the house of healing. She was sad to see such courageous warriors brought so low.

One man she had tended had spoken quite clearly in broken westron that even though he had an amputated lower arm. That he would still ride out to fight. The final battle had yet to be won. As the wounded that had been seen to diminished and the healers took rest she settled herself against a pillar amongst the injured and dying.

A lady of high birth among the Rohirrim took the small cot she called her own. She didn't mind it was said the woman actually had slain the witch king. She grasped the good hand of the spirited warrior who begged to go back to battle and hummed a song. A sweet song of love.
She didn't have the energy to bring the tune out into words. So she simply hummed. It echoed over the moans of pain and anguish. She hoped it brought back some light to the dark places these men dwelled.
Perhaps it was the movement mayhap it his bearing but as she moved her head to gaze upon the far wall she saw him. And couldn't look away. He shone with a light a fire that entranced her. She had never seen a man so beautiful and so sad in all her life.
The mane of tawny hair fell in frazzled curls about his face. His beard was nicely kept though he was dirty from war. His red leather overlay armor let her know he was no simple warrior. The way he looked at the wounded and stopped to converse with those awake and aware as he made his way toward the small room she had once claimed told her he was a leader. A lord a prince a king. She didn't know.
She continued to hum and let her gaze drift away. It could never be for he would ride out tomorrow morning and surely die. And if the shadow spread and took over the city and there was nothing more she could do she would throw herself from the walls and pray for a quick death. Whatever emotion that quickened her heart at his sight didn't matter.
If only...
Another time...
Another place...
She would have liked to have known at least his name.
If only...
The young guards face came into view and he beckoned her to come. The matter must be urgent. She released the eorlings hand and made her way past the warrior that had caught her eye to be pulled into the hall.
"My lady your father is in the palace. You may want to see him before he rides out tomorrow. They go to the black gate. It may be the last chance you have. .." He trailed off as she raised her hand.

"Very well" she said. She went back to where she rested and gathered up her cloak of fine blue wool and placed it about her shoulders. She noted the warrior crouched down beside the warrior she had grasped his hand as they both rested. They conversed in the strange tongue of Rohan.

He glanced up but once and it was as if time stilled in that moment. For one single moment they were the only two that existed. When time seemed to move once more She gave him a small smile of comfort and walked on.

She made her way to the palace and waited for her father in his chambers. It could very well be a long wait. So she settled herself by the fire. Hoping he would not hate her for what she had done. Hoping he could understand and that they could make the most of the moments to come.

He came in without his normal grace and elegance. It was there but muted by his exhaustion. He didn't notice her at first. Only simply moved toward his bed.

"Papa" she called tears filling her eyes at finally seeing him.

Those familiar eyes and the face made her rush to his opening arms. Surprise sorrow happiness. But no anger.
"Lothy what are you doing here child?" He said into her hair tears making his voice raspy.

"I wanted to help too. I thought I might find you among the wounded at least. And be with you all one last time. " she let her sobs out. Months worth of sadness and tears. Loneliness leaked out of her as she buried her face in her fathers chest.

"It's alright little one. I am fine now tell me what have you been doing here "

So they sat and she told him her story in the healing houses. And how the city of dol Amorth was in her absence. He told her of what tomorrow would bring.

When she left her father to let him seek rest she found her brothers and sat with them. Enjoying what time she had left with them. The sorrow and dread wouldn't end. It swelled razor sharp as she realized slowly but surely she wouldn't see her family again. This was their last goodbye.

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