Chapter Four: The Kiss

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The fire blazed outside the houses of healing and the riders of Rohan and the soldiers of gondor stood and watched the flames burn. The haunting string and bow instruments from the north hauntingly played. Women from the the city , even the healing house, interspersed with the men. All sought some form of comfort.
Tonight was the last night.
She moved among them not wanting to return to the healing houses just yet. Sleep wouldn't find her yet and only death lingered there. Mostly. She rounded the blazing brazier and that's gene she saw him. And he saw her. In simple tunic and hair ablaze like the lions mane she felt that strange sensation of time stopping once more.

She moved with grace, those long dark locks fell from her blue hooded cape. They were alight with a fiery sheen in the firelight. Taking in all colors and mirroring them. True black. He had noted her beauty once before in the healing house. Now he knew for sure no more beautiful of a woman had he ever seen.

She rounded the brazier and her eyes scanned about the gathering here. Those cool grey eyes gleaming silver in the firelight caught his own. The same sensation as before came over him when their eyes locked. A feeling as if there was no other in the entire world but her.

'If only she were mine' he thought as she lowered her gaze. He had asked the warrior who had been close to her when he arrived if she had any male realities to look out for her. He had said he had only seen the young man. What father or brother let their female kin wander about in such dangerous times.

'What brother lets his sister ride to war' his own doubts whispered to him.

He shook himself from the morose thoughts and simply watched as she walked toward where he sat against the wall. She came to stand a few people down leaning against a pillar.

"Eomer what has caught your gaze my friend ?" Eothain asked feeling he effects of the wine taking hold. She shot him a sideways glance and smiled. Not one of care but of warmth and welcome. He said nothing as he downed the rest of his drink. And rose to go to her.
"Eomer where are you going?!" Eothain laughed as he saw exactly where his friend went to.

He sauntered to to her and bowed in greeting.
"My lady" he said.
She almost curtsied but stopped herself she was no lady. She was Sariel.
"I am no lady but I thank you my lord. " she said.
"You have taken good care of many of my country man. Eoheort has nothing but good things to say about you." He bowed once more to her. "You have my thanks. "

"There is no need my lord. Eoheort is in need to my gratitude. He showed much spirit that I found my own self lacking in. It was an honor after all your country has done for us. "

He nodded and leaned beside her upon the pillar.
"It's a not as happy of a gathering as I once thought when I came upon it. It's sad. " she said after a long moment of silence.

"Aye all of us know we may well die soon. " he agreed.

"If this city is taken and my father and brothers fall in battle. And there is no more hope for any of us ..."she paused feeling the tears gather in her eyes. "I will throw myself from these city walls. " she mumbled the last part not daring to gaze into his eyes. To see what judgement he held for her.

"Forgive me my lord I must go. " she twirled away going toward the doors of the healing house.
A strong hand upon her arm stopped her and pulled her into a shadowed alcove. A large warm body crowded in front of her.

Her head remained bowed in shame. Strong fingers lifted her chin gently.
"There is still hope my lady. When we ride out to the enemy do nothing of what you just spoke. At least not until the orcs have entered the city and are a breath away from you. " her eyes rose and widened at what he had said.

"I don't judge you. I simply would hate to see you do such if we come back victorious. " he cupped her cheek. "You are far too beautiful to die in the midst of war. " he murmured kissing her forehead. He pulled back gauging her reaction.

"I don't know you though there is no need to apologize. May I have your name my lord?" She asked resting her hand upon his shoulder.

"Eomer. And your name my lady?"

"Sariel " she answered

His hand cupped her cheek once more he smiled a small smile. Like a broken man would just trusting to hope once more.

"Could I have a kiss Sariel to remember when I go to battle ?" He seemed shocked to have asked her this backing up a bit and rubbing his neck sheepishly. "I know it isn't the honorable thing to do but I will regret it ..." He trailed off.
" what were you going to say?" She asked. When he seemed as if he wouldn't and would leave instead she held his face in her hands. Feeling he rough beard there. Letting her fingers sink in to truly feel the individual hairs. "please I would like you to say it.
"I would regret it forever if I don't at least ask for a kiss. " he whispered. He leaned forward and kissed her gently at first. When her own lips pressed back hungry for more his own passion rose.

His mouth opened upon her turning to deepen the kiss. His tongue darted out to touch her own closed lips making her gasp into his mouth. He accepted it and allowed his tongue to delve and find her own. The once gentle kiss became the kiss between a man and woman. Their tongues danced and teased each other only bringing the fire in them higher.
The fire that even the war wouldn't steal from them.
His large hands at first clasped her face one moved to feel her neck move to the rhythm of his kiss. Then to where her breast rose and fell with heavy breaths. Unknowingly he grasped the youthful lobe weighing it in his palm. Caressing it in his passionate fever.

Lothloriel gasped feeling the first time a mans touch. And she found herself wanting more. He regrettably pulled away and gave one last lingering kiss to her forehead.
"May your journey be a good one Eomer. " she finally said after catching her breath reaching up on her tiptoes she kissed his cheek and walked out to find her rest.

His eyes ever remained upon her.

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