Ocean Eyes

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Gry Isungset

You meet her gaze from across the room and yet you continue to resume the lesson until Erik adds you into her group for the class assignment. 

You can't help but stare into her ocean eyes until Magne bumps your knee and smiles at her.

After class, you exchange numbers and get on your way. 

A week later, you go on a group date with Jenny and Hilde, Saxa's closeted gay friends. And you learn more about her, like the fact she's not as self-centered as Fjor makes her out to be and she's not as popular as Saxa. 

Two weeks later, you know each other well enough for a small date at her house watching movies. By the fifth date, the entire school sees you as the 'it' couple and you're her girlfriend, included with chaste kisses before class and sneaking off campus to have a little fun. 

One month later, you're over the whole v-word thing. 

Another year and you're still together. 

Jenny and Hilde are dating each other and you four share an apartment complex.

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