Who Can You Trust?

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Last time on Total Drama Island, things got really cooking between the campers. Heather pushed Leshawna too far in the cook-off challenge and ended up one chilly mama. Owen had a hard day. Geoff led the Killer Bass to victory, and the Screaming Gophers got to the bottom of their losing streak. It was buh-bye, Beth. Have the Gophers broken the curse? And just how much trust do they have in one another? Find out this week on Total. Drama. Island!

The campers had all gathered to the Main Lodge for breakfast, dreading what Chef had made for them. It was only yesterday that they had completed their last challenge and the Bass were still riding their high from winning, while the Gophers seemed to be less than happy with their third loss in a row. However, they were determined now more than ever to win the challenge.

Chef dropped a moldy green scoop of breakfast onto Gwen's tray and topped it with a bendy straw.

"Today's breakfast is Hawaiian-Italian fusion casserole!" He declared proudly and Gwen cringed, grabbing her tray for further inspection.

"You mean leftovers from the cooking challenge?" She asked him.

"Yeah, that's right. Got a problem with that," He said with a threat clear in his voice.

"Sir, no, sir!" Gwen chanted and went to the Gophers table. Behind her was Corrine, who took her food quickly and sat down next to DJ, who was mouth-feeding Bunny. Geoff and Corrine locked eyes, horrified by what they had just seen him do.

"What the hell was that?" Corrine asked him and he looked up from bunny with confusion in his eyes.

"What?" DJ asked. "I was just feeding him."

"Like a bird," She clarified. "You spit your food into his mouth. Like. A. Bird." He nodded his head, still not understanding what was wrong and Corrine gave up with a huff. She ate her sludge and watched Courtney and Duncan argue over a mug that he had swiped from the coffee station. That was when she remembered her tea, well her secret tea.

"Chef and I have a deal, I don't complain about the food, and he gets me some tea morning and night," Corrine confessed.

She finished her meal and, without gaining the attention of any camper, snuck into the kitchen. Chef turned around in surprise, knife raised and ready to chop until he saw Corrine.

"Oh," He walked over to the stove where the water was boiling and held out a tray of different teas to choose from. "Hurry this up, brat."

She quickly picked a mango green tea, picked up a mug, and poured the water into it. Then, she put the bag in the water to steep and walked out of the kitchen to join her team. She brushed past an arguing Courtney and Duncan and sat down next to DJ again, leaning over to pat Bunny on his head. She sipped on her tea for the rest of the breakfast, savoring its warmth before going into another challenge.

They were led onto the docks and Corrine, feeling pretty peaceful for someone who was probably about to be put through torture, took in the view of the lake. The ocean was a beautiful aqua color, almost clear enough to see each fish gliding through the water. And the sun, still rising, created a beautiful shine to the water. Before she could continue to appreciate the view, Chris interrupted her.

"So," He began. "Last week's challenge exposed a few Gopher issues. And I'm sensing a little something funky floating in the Bass pond, too." Duncan gently elbowed Courtney with a smug look on his face and she pushes him to the ground, making him let out a small screech. Corrine snickered and turned back to Chris for instruction.

"So. this week's challenge is gonna be centered around building trust. Because all good things begin with a little trust."

"I trusted Trent once, he left me buried alive on the beach," Gwen confessed.

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