Search And Do Not Destroy

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Last time on Total Drama Island, the teams were dissolved, leaving each and every camper to look out for number one. And just to add a little more drama to the mix, Izzy and Eva returned for more fun! The campers remained to suffer all manner of abuse in No Pain, No Gain Challenge! In an act of chivalry, Geoff stepped up to save his girl from the perils of the leech barrel. And in a death display of log rolling, a grizzly got a piranha haircut, winning Leshawna invincibility. Now that the campers are forced to fend for themselves, who will be selfless? Who will be shellfish? And who will eat shellfish? Stay tuned for the most thrilling episode yet on Total Drama Island!

Trent, Gwen, and Corrine were all out on the lake just enjoying the day. Corrine was strumming on Trent's guitar while, next to her, Gwen doodled in her diary. Trent was out in the water, trying to get even stronger at swimming, just in case, there was a challenge that called for it.

"Hey Gwen," Corrine asked, beginning to strum a tune. "What do you think about this."

And you're so charming

You're so god damn charming

And I can't get you out of my head

Can't get you out of my head

And the best things are

Those things that you can't ever seem to forget

Can't ever seem to forget

And you're stuck in my head

I like you

She continued to hum, trying to find the words for another verse, but ultimately failed and turned to Gwen for feedback.

"That was amazing!" She exclaimed, mouth wide open in shock.

"Yeah, it was," Trent yelled over from the dock. "Gwen, what are you drawing?" He asked and she jolted, holding the diary away from prying eyes.

"Nothing!" She said, but Corrine was able to get a peek in and she nudged her with a little smirk on her face.

"Perfect job drawing his abs."

"I absolutely, positively, do not have a crush on Trent," Gwen confessed. "I'm so over it. I mean, come on. Sure, for a week or two, I was into him, but come on..."

Corrine continued to tease her for a while until she saw Duncan coming over to them and she lowered her head and resumed strumming.

"Oh, you're real quiet now, huh?" Gwen teased back, giggling light as Corrine swatted at her.

"What's up with you guys?" He asked, sitting down criss-cross nest to Corrine.

"Oh, just relaxing before Chris finds a new way to torture us," Corrine explained, absent-mindedly strumming the same tune over and over.

"Is that Trent's guitar?" He asked, glaring over to where he was drying off.

"Yeah, he lets me borrow it sometimes," She responded and he nodded, leaning back on a tree and closing his eyes, at peace.

Unfortunately, that peace was broken less than five minutes later by the rumbling of an explosion.

"Arr, maties!" Chris said through a megaphone. "Meet me at the Amphitheater in five minutes and I'll tell you about today's challenge!"

Gwen, Trent, Corrine, and Duncan all made their way towards the amphitheater.

"Hey, Trent," Corrine said from behind him.

"What?" he asked without turning around.

"Catch me!" She yelled out and leaped onto his back. He caught her legs and let out a huff at the sudden weight on his back. He sped up his pace and began to skip; both of them laughing all the way. Duncan glowered at the pair and Gwen watched him with interest in her eyes.

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