☁️💚 Mini Him | Satan 💚☁️

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++ Your son sat at your husband's desk all day reading and researching various creatures for one of his classes at school with a gentle smile on his face. You would have never known the boy was only seven, he was more and more like his father every day the longer you gazed at the handsome little boy. ++

"Mama please stop staring

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"Mama please stop staring... It's... It's weird." Your son stood his books up to block your view of him after a few moments.

"Huh? What is wrong with watching you my love?" You curiously asked.

You heard your son huff a sigh very similar to Satan's, "Mama I am already seven, I am not a baby to be watched constantly. I don't want you here all the time!"

You rolled your eyes trying to ignore the slightly hurtful words, but just before you got up your husband walked into your shared bedroom. When Satan was home Seteth, your son, was always on his best behavior, sometimes it got to you because he was not nearly as well behaved as when Satan was around.

Immediately Seteth jumped to his feet and ran to Satan, "Papa! You are home early, thank goodness!"

Satan picked up his young son and slowly smothered him in a tight embrace, "Mhmm, Papa finished quicker than I thought. Uh... Why do you have your books like a fortress son?"

Seteth shrugged and tried to nonchalantly change the subject, but Satan was no fool. You quickly stand and greet Satan before he could pick at it any further,  "Welcome home Darling! Do not worry I will clean up, why not head to the library before dinner with everyone?"

"Seteth." Satan, who quickly realized what had happened, was suddenly setting down his son, he crouched down to his level and spoke more seriously, "Mama does so much for you and I and yet you treat her like she is second best? Mama is the best thing that has ever happened in all of my years of living aimlessly without any true propose before you, our little love child, were born."

"Satan it's alright, he didn't mean anything by it..." You were quickly cut off by Satan, "No (First name). It isn't." You cringed slightly at Satan's coarse words, but you bit your lip and allowed Satan to discipline as he saw fit.

"Seteth, you must have said something to hurt Mama's feelings..." Your son nodded shamefully, "I figured as much since your mother is still trying to cover for you. All Mama wants is for you to be happy, even if that means she's a little sad but you must allow Mama and I to enjoy this while we can."

"Papa..." Seteth wanted to dispute the claims, but when he saw your sad smile you saw him bite his lip..

"To us you will always be our little bundle of joy, you are more than capable of handling a bit of embarrassment from us for a little while longer." Satan looked to your son with a knowing looked as he gently ruffled Seteth's blonde hair.

Seteth shut his eyes as Satan's gentle motions lulled him into a peaceful rift, his small smile a spitting image of Satan's own lovely smile that you fell for all those years ago.

"I'm sorry Mama... I didn't mean what I said." Seteth sighed as he stared at the ground once Satan had wrapped his arms around you in a smoother-like hug, "I love you Mama, I love you Papa."

"We love you too Sweetie." You hummed as you brought your son close to you and your husband, his little arms wrapped around your legs.


💚 Word Count: 610 💚

🖤 Hope y'all enjoyed this short little chapter with Satan 💚

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