September 15, 2018

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I viciously rubbed at my eyes with the back of my hand, my vision beginning to blur between the flashing lights and the water that hit my cheeks, a combination of the rain and tears. My other hand clutched his jacket, still warm from when he was wearing it just minutes ago, but now those minutes felt like hours. Struggling to focus on just one thing, I tried to rest my gaze on the concerned woman standing above me, an EMT from one of the ambulances that arrived at the scene.

"Can you tell me your name?" Her words were flooded by the sounds around us.

Despite her questioning I could only focus on the ambulance that was parked not far from us, the doors now closed and sirens escaping into the air as it began to speed off. My eyes were still locked on that spot; one second, he was here with me and the next he was gone.

"I... I need to be with him," I stammered, my words were flustered and shaken. My eyes darted to his roommates, also being questioned but by an officer, and then back. Images of what had happened began to shroud my mind, as if I were frozen in time, they were burned into my memory.

The gun had been fired quickly, I hadn't realized what was happening until the second or third shot began to ring in my ears. Just as quickly I felt his body fall on top of me and his jacket thrown over my chest, doing whatever he could to protect me. The cigarette we had just been sharing burned a circle into my thigh and as I struggled to throw it to the ground, I felt his weight grow heavier and a sound filled with pain escaped his lips along with blood, followed by staggered, red breaths.

The sound of sirens and the shouting of his two roommates took place of the brief silence that was left behind by the shots and the sound of a car speeding away from the small alley. The jacket that rested over my chest was covered in blood, sticking to me as Liam and Robbie pulled him from me and to the ground. By that time, the ambulances and cops had arrived and created the ever-growing distance between what I had just realized was the best part of me.

"Honey, I know that you're in shock right now and that this is all a lot, but I need to know your name. Tell me and then I can see about getting you to your friend." The woman pulled me from the images that continued to replay in my head.

I began to speak again, but my mouth was dry, and my lips were beginning to crack, causing me to take a deep, shaky breath, "My name is Josephine Hall... please, I need to be with him."

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