7- First kisses

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We changed out of our pj's & made our way down to the boathouse. She had her hair up so her whole neck was visible. Am I seriously admiring someone's neck right now??? 🤔
"Damn this shit is a straight hike!" Billie said. I laughed, "yeah you get used to it lol." We got to the bottom of the hill and to the shore line. I stopped and paused because she stopped. She was admiring the water, I was admiring her, watching the breeze hit her, making those loose strands of hair dance around her face. She looked at peace. She looked over at me and said; "This is so beautiful, can I just move in?" She giggled.
I couldn't help but smile. "You can stay as long as you want, come on the boathouse is right over here." I grabbed her hand.
I hadn't got the boat that I had up and running yet so we couldn't go for a ride. Bil didn't seem to care, she took off her shoes, sat on the dock & stuck her feet in the water. "Come sit with me." She said looking back at me. I slipped off my shoes and sat next to her. "You smell good, she said." Caught me off guard, "Thanks B." She bit her lip and looked down at her feet in the water. "So you're from here?" She asked.
I was raised here for the most part but I was born in California...San Diego." "Ahhh, I didn't know that. SD is beautiful too. But I don't know, this may top everywhere I've been so far. " she said.
"I mean, yeah I love it.....so much." She turned & looked at me again, "so what else do you love Miss Krystal?" I'm blushing, why am I blushing....Fuck. I started to attempt to spew something out when I felt the soft warmth of her lips on mine. She scooted closer & placed both of her hands on my face. I grabbed her hip and pulled her as close as I could, the side ways awkward position we were in was no help lol.
I kissed her harder. I felt her tongue fighting for access into my mouth. I opened up, god she tasted good. I started to massage her tongue with mine, she let out a soft moan & started to pull away. We came apart. I don't think either one of us were sure what to do or say next. She was staring at the water again kicking her tiny feet. I decided to pick up my metaphorical balls and break the silence.
"Bil....I really like you." She looked up and smiled. "Say it again....it sounded good"
Fuck that was sexy, focus Krystal. "Umm, I REALLY like you Billie." She leaned over and kissed me again. "Mama, I've been liking you since we met."
God, I'm blushing again. "Have you ever been with a woman before?" I asked. "Not in a relationship and I've never fucked a woman. But I've kissed a few girls. It took me a minute to realize I was Bi."
"I mean it's cool, everyone figures it out in their own time. Some sooner than later. I've known since I was 13 but I've only dated a few girls & only been in an actual relationship with just one."
She nodded & said; "You should know I'm kinda petty, a little jealous & it's hard for me not to be good at things I wanna do, you feel me?"
I grabbed her hand. "I get it, I've been there & practice makes perfect right?" She laughed & was blushing a little. "You right, Lets go back to the lodge," she kind of demanded lol. I stood up, grabbed her hand and pulled her up. We're the same height, she wrapped her arms around my waist & we are nose to nose. She licked her lips. "Kiss me."
Here comes the butterflies again. I leaned forward and pushed my lips against hers, she started kissing harder so I bit her lip, she moaned a little louder than she did a minute ago. I had my hands gently around her neck, hers had traveled down to my ass. She pulled away just enough to whisper mid kiss, "you are so thick mama." She was biting my lip now. All of the sudden there was a huge crash of thunder. We broke away at the same time. "Shit!" I giggled. I didn't know it was supposed to rain. Let's head back while we can. Billie agreed. We grabbed our shoes and bolted. I'm running close behind her so she doesn't see how bad I'm cheesing. Fuck, I think I love this girl.

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