8- I CAN stand the rain

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It started pouring before we got back inside. It was like the sky dumped a waterfall on top of us. My clothes felt like they weighed 20lbs.
"Stay here Bil I'm gonna go grab some towels. She was shivering & her lips were turning the faintest shade of blue. "Hurry bitch, I'm fucking freeeeezing.."  "I'm going as fast as I can, I ain't tryna bust my ass, damn!" She laughed, "it's fat enough you can handle it though!"
I flipped her off before disappearing into the laundry room. "Alright I got some towels....did you turn into an ice cube on me...." I walked back to the front door area & Billie was standing there in her bra & panties & as you can probably guess by now, yep I froze up. I never assumed any less but she was so fucking beautiful, milky pale skin, her dark wet hair resting on her shoulders, her stomach was flat & actually toned, she always fronts like she doesn't have an ass but she definitely does. "Yo, are you gonna toss me a towel or just stand there and stare at me??" She giggled.
"Sorry just admiring gods work." Her jaw dropped. "Bro, you need your ass kicked for that shit, thats the lamest shit I've ever heard." We couldn't stop laughing. "My bad, my games a little rusty lol."
"A little??" I threw another towel at her, "haha fuck you!"
We got dressed and I made us some tea. I should probably have her text Finn and make sure they're okay. "Hey B! Have you heard from your brother?" She leaned over the bannister upstairs, "oh yeah he said her flight got delayed. He's gonna be up there awhile." She said while making her way down the stairs .
"Well damn that sucks" I replied. Billie plopped down  next to me, "does it though?"
"What do you mean?" She climbed onto my lap & was straddling me, "I mean we are gonna be alone for awhile" she grinned. I ran my hands down her sides, grasped her hips & pulled her into me. Her lips were still cold from the rain. I gently sucked and pulled on her bottom lip anxiously waiting for one of those moans. She broke the lip lock and pushed me on my back, still straddling me. She leaned over me, her chains dangling in my face. "Sorry mama let me take these off real quick." She sat her necklaces on the table & climbed back on top of me. I slid my hands up her shirt, caressed her boobs & lifted her shirt over head. I flipped us over, her legs still wrapped around my waist only now I was on top.
She grabbed me by my throat, "I don't wanna be a fucking bottom" she whispered. I grabbed her wrist & laughed a little, "B' everyone wants to be a bottom sometimes. Let me show you what it feels like, then you can decide." She looked disappointed, I knew this bitch was an Alpha the moment I met her LOL. I'm about to make her beg.
"Bil....I just wanna make you feel good." She smirked & I could see her cocky ass blushing.
I started kissing her neck while unhooking  her bra. I moved down and across her shoulders. I started to kiss and lightly lick her cleavage then slowly dragged my lips across her chest stopping to massage her nipples with my tongue. She let out a moan. I wanted to taste every inch of her. I left a trail of kisses down her stomach and removed her sweats. She clamped her legs shut. "You okay? Am I doing too much, let me know babe I want you to be comfortable, I'm not trying to rush into anything you're not ready for." I was resting my head under her belly button, she looked down at me and said, "I'm good mama, just nervous, keep going.."
I started kissing her over her panties, I blew my warm breath down her slit, she squirmed.
She let out a whisper moan...."Don't stop."
I slid her panties off and started kissing the inside of her ankles slowly moving up her legs. I bit the inside of her thighs a little and started kissing her cat lips moving from side to side. I slowly pushed my tongue between her lips making my laps wider & longer each time. "Ugh, baby don't stop....please." She grabbed a wad of my hair and pushed my face deeper into her pussy. She was so wet, her juices were all over my mouth and chin. She tasted sweet. I parted her lips with my fingers and flicked my tongue directly on her clit over and over. Switching between fast flicks and pressurized circles. She was constantly moaning now. "I'm gonna cum baby please.....please don't stop.."
Her thighs closed over my ears, her back arched and her body started shaking....."I'm cumming!"
I knew I could stop when her legs fell open and she covered her face with both hands. "Fuuuuuck!" She giggled trying to sit up. I was wiping my face off with one of the towels. She grabbed my face with both hands, "I think I love you" she smiled.
"You think huh? Well let me know when you know for sure Miss Eilish LOL." She was stepping back into her sweats, "I'm serious, you don't have to believe me but I'll show you."
The doorbell was ringing. I checked the ring camera, it was Finn & Claudia. "Your brother's here, we'll talk later." She grabbed my hand as I was walking towards the front door stopping me in my tracks. She wrapped her arms around my waist & pulled me close, pushed her lips up to my ear and whispered,
"I fucking love you" our lips met again.
"And I'll get the door!" She ran to open it for Claudia and Finneas.
I don't know how to feel about what I just heard. But I'm happy.

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