Successor and Next Step

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Izuku POV

It's been about a month since I joined and god I didn't think it would be this bad. We have been running around living on bare minimum and crap we steal from other villains. I sigh as we settle in a condemned apartment building and the rest except Dabi in the room. Spinner seems to be staring at Shigaraki until he finally stands and Compress just makes a joke about our situation much to Shigaraki's annoyance. Dabi then walks in huffing at us "So you all just got back huh am I the only one looking for new recruits?" Toga just makes a comment about how picky Dabi is. I just stay in the back watching as it all goes down knowing something is about to happen. Shigaraki just sighs "So I guess Kurogiri really did fail huh and no luck finding the Doctor either" I just sit up listening to Shigaraki. Spinner steps towards Shigaraki "What are we doing? I joined because I thought we wanted to make a world Stain envisioned but we are just sitting around so where is this all going" he grabs everyone's attention along with Shigaraki's collar. Just as Shigaraki goes to respond the whole building shakes and rumbles then a low growling voice speaks. "Finally found you, Been waiting for a signal and never got one, So are you Master's Successor" He finished just as we got outside to see a behemoth of a person rising out of the ground. We all just stare at him as he drops some radio from his neck which seems to be speaking although we can't hear over the monster who says "I served All for one now successor prove yourself" he says standing tall.

"What?" Shigaraki says then we all engage the monster only to be battered and beaten. I just watch and study the monster trying to figure out its quirk then it hits me. If he serves All for one isn't it possible he got a quirk or two from the man himself. I just look at the league "Hey um guys might be crazy but I don't think this guy has only one quirk" then a voice speaks up "That's correct Bunny but I should expect nothing less from you" everyone looks at the radio as it speaks. "It seems you're a bit stuck Shigaraki" Shigaraki just says "Doctor" and I look at Shigaraki and Spinner just yells out over the now crying no bawling monster. "Wait you mean that Doctor, the one we were looking for?" We are stopped short as the monster then smashes the area destroying it and complains that we are too weak and are just punks. The Doctor then introduces the monster as Gigantomachia the former Bodyguard of All for One and has endless stamina along with multiple quirks. Fear flashes in my eyes as I look at Machia who seems to be incredibly strong meaning if he was this strong what does that mean for us. Machia then charges us and is hit with Dabi's flames however it doesn't even faze him as he continues. "Machia" All for One's voice comes from the radio and stops Machia as he rushes to it brushing against it almost like a dog looking to be pet by his master. "That seems to have calmed him down for now" Shigaraki just takes the hand from his face stating. "I don't want him" "Oh really? Well looks like you spent too much time with Kurogiri open your eyes you can't get what you want just by wishing but whatever give me a second, here we go heave ho" Suddenly I burp loudly and Toga laughs saying gross while burping then black sludge spews from my mouth and others as we are suddenly consumed by it till it drops us down.

When I wake I look around seeing the rest of the league with us then I notice giant vats and inside nomu. "Holy crap nomu so this is where they came from" I say in awe of the whole spectacle "Yeah but these guys seem different" Dabi says then we hear a laugh drawing all our eyes to a man sitting in a chair at the far end of the room. "Very good Dabi so you can tell huh these are better then the lower versions you've already seen, I call them Highends and they're a step closer to my masterpiece" He says as if it's a kid talking about drawing. Compress puts my next thoughts to words as he steps forward "So your the Doctor we've been looking for I can't make out what you look like" suddenly the Doctor shoots back into a deeper part of the lab. "I would prefer you not to come to me, I'll come to you when I am ready if you don't comply I will have Gigantomachia end you" We all just look at each other confused seeing as he brought us here then the Doctor continues.

"Listen Shigaraki now I brought you and your pals here simply out of respect for All for one see all of this was for him but now its supposedly going to go to you but I see no reason why it should so convince me what do you punks and losers the trash of society have to show me?"

Shigaraki just stepped forward and started talking about his past and his memories or really his fragments of his past and how everything seems to piss him off and that he hates everything. Then he says something that sends a shiver down my spine. He talks of how he will destroy everything and take this world apart and show everything whether it be heaven or hell. The Doctor just laughs wildly then agrees to help Shigaraki with his pipe dream then Toga speaks up "What about us and the stuff I like?" Toga says jumping on my back. Shigaraki just waves a hand "The wishes of you guys are different do as you like" however that doesn't ease my mind seeing how he answered. "So you were just messing with me you bastard" The Doctor then stood up "Well I planned on cooperating from the beginning I just wanted to test you all but the nomu will be yours and I have some research as well but I won't give anything to you yet simply put you are all weak so I give you a challenge make the monster Gigantomachia submit to you then you will have everything if you want it grab it with your own hands" Shigaraki just smiled. "Wow what a long as hell tutorial" Suddenly Dabi steps forward "Well I'm not helping I am about to find some good member so I'll do that I move on my own accord got it leader?" Shigaraki just smiles. "I'm interested to see who you bring" then the Doctor zooms forward in his chair "Oh the can I borrow Dabi and I'd also like Bunny too if possible I want to run a test and the both of them could prove extremely helpful with it" I just look at Dabi as he glances at me. Shigaraki just sighs "Whatever just send us to Gigantomachia already" The Doctor bounces with joy then a mechanical arm reaches out to us holding a plate with mini com links on it we each take one. "Alright Jonny send them to Gigantomachia" Then I notice the nomu on his lap it looks like a head with malformed legs sticking out of it and it pukes the sludge from before and it sends the league away excluding me and Dabi.

"Alright now thats its just us you two can help me test the Highends" I just glance at Dabi who huffs "Fine and how do we do that?" The Doctor just types on a console then a door opens with a large nomu stalking out. "Well you'll get him to fight some heroes and just so you know it doesn't matter who but I would like him back if possible" I nod and Dabi just walks over to it. "So who's gonna be in charge of it?" The Doctor sits back in thought then smiles "Bunny I think you would be the better one out of the two seeing as Dabi will be more focused on his new league member" I just nod. "Perfect, ok Hood you will now listen to this person Bunny or Izuku Midoriya is that understood" Hood as the Doctor calls him just grunts looking from the Doc to me. "F-F-Fine" I just looked wide eyed as it spoke, Hood just spoke then Dabi just sighs "Whatever let's go already" I just stare at Hood. "Ok well Dabi where do you need to go I'll send you three there so you can meet your new member and don't worry I have facilities in every major city" Dabi just nods "Fukuoka" and then we are swallowed by sludge appearing in a new room. As we get up I look at Dabi already heading for the door "So who is this new member?" Dabi just looks back.

"Oh you'll see"


Greetings Readers

Ok so I know in the manga these events are split up in how they are shown but since we are following it in a linear fashion this is how it really happened and now we get to see it from the villains view which I find really interesting

Ok that's all for now hope you enjoyed please vote and comment and see you next chapter

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