I thought it would be fine

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If Dec hadn't something expected to happen, then that his mobile phone would start ringing in exactly that second in which he awoke. To be honest, he didn't even have to check the caller ID, nobody would be able to call him this perfect timed except for one person. A quick glance to the screen confirmed it - it was Ant's number that literally jumped into his face. Immediately, Dec started to frown in worry. If Ant called him that early in the morning, it was either about work and a meeting that he had forgotten about or it was something serious. And under the current situation, Dec would be surprised when Ant was already attending meetings again, so it had to be the second option. The Geordie realized that he was staring down onto his phone but not accepting the call. With still tired but surprisingly quick movements, he climbed out of bed, confirmed with a quick glance that his wife slept soundly and accepted the call then, only a second before it would go to voicemail.

"Donnelly?", he said. He knew exactly that it was Ant calling and he didn't think that Ant expected sombody other than him, but it was a routine and moreover he wasn't awake enough to think of another greeting.

Ant on the other end of the line was relieved when he finally heared the familiar rustling in the line before a tired, small voice said "Donnelly?" Immediately, his relief switched back to concern. He had a quick look on his watch on the nightstand. Quarter past nine. Dec must have just woken up, or maybe even the ringing phone had woken him. Ant tried to ignore the guilt that started to creep into his mind, but he wasn't really successful. He only realized that he had been quiet for a while when Dec's voice came up again: "Hello? You still there?" Pulling himself together, Ant answered: "Yes, I'm still here. Uh... how are you?" He could literally see Dec frowning. "I'm okay", Dec replied honestly. "Night has been better that expected, fell asleep quite quickly. But I don't think you call me at" - another rustling while he checked the time - "nine seventeen in the morning just to ask me how I am, do you? Because if it were like that, I'd have to be insulted."

Ant chuckled a bit, but it sounded rather forced. "No, um... did I wake you up?", he asked to win a bit more time. Dec denied. "No, I woke up just two seconds before you called. Perfect timing." Ant nodded slowly, not bothering with the fact that Dec couldn't even see him. Dec on his side of the line got slightly impatient now. "So, what were you calling for?", he asked. Ant bit his lip and tried to speed up the thought-battle in his head. If he told Dec what was really bothering him, Dec would be worried and he wouldn't hesitate to come over to the hospital immediately. As much as he wanted that, Dec was shattered. He couldn't afford him driving through London that early and that spontaneous, maybe causing an accident because of the lack of sleep, just because of such a little thing. But the other part of his head kept telling him that he shouldn't lie at Dec and not hide anything. Ant cleared his throat.

"It's actually quite stupid, er... I didn't really think before I called. I just... forget about it, alright, we will talk when you are coming over. When do you think that will be?", he added quickly in the hope that Dec wouldn't protest then. But deeply inside he knew that this wouldn't work and he was right. "Ant, what happened? Don't tell me... Is your condition worse, Ant?" Ant hated the undeniable fear in Dec's voice and hurried to calm him: "No, no, it's nothing to do with me... I just want to show you something, but it really isn't that important. Don't worry." Dec was definitely worried, but he decided that, for Ant's sake, he would leave it like that. "Okay. Al is still asleep and I think I will leave her be, she deserves it. But as soon as she wakes up and I can leave, let's say... an hour? I'll be on my way." Ant confirmed and both of the boys hung up. Dec sighed. By now it was five minutes to half past nine and his mind was spinning like a merry-go-round. What had happened?


Policeman Joe Smith and his team stood in front of an escape room in London. Sighing, the man turned around to his two collegues and the more-expert they had brought with them. "Alright then, let's have a look on this, the fire department called this morning and it is save to go in there", Smith stated. The more-expert Phil Baker opened the door. "Horrible what happened here. I mean, if that really was an accident, which I personally think, nobody will ever want to go into an escape room again", he said. The two policemen and the one policewoman who followed him nodded in agreement. "But", mentioned the youngest of the group, "the public doesn't even know what happened." Joe Smith laughed half-heartedly. "That's just a matter of time now. I mean, it is about two of the probably most loved celebs in the UK. They were able to keep it out of the press until now, but at the latest when we find out something we will have to go into the public with it."

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