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The smell of perfume wafted down the hallway and as Mare neared the Hokage's office, she heard the rich voice of a woman. Mare knocked and was greeted. Upon entering, a beautiful blonde woman with a large bust gave her a powerful smile. The two kunoichi locked eyes for a moment before Mare bowed and acknowledged the Hokage.

"Ah, you must be Mare Nakagawa!" the Hokage welcomed her with an outstretching of her arms.

"Thank you for having me, Godaime."

"Please," the blonde bore her honey eyes into Mare and commanded, "just Tsunade is fine."

"Tsunade," Mare repeated with a smile and nod.

The Hokage sat and gestured for Mare to join her. She took a seat beside the woman and they introduced themselves a bit better. Mare took an immediate liking to the Sannin. She had heard of her incredible talent with medical ninjutsu, as well as her remarkable strength, but she had never imagined she would be face to face with the woman.

There was another knock on the door that Tsunade answered. Mare watched with a blank face as a brooding little boy with messy black hair stomped into the room followed by the masked Kakashi. Her eyes skipped over Sasuke as she was immediately drawn to Kakashi.

His eyes widened in shock at the familiar stranger and he felt a fiery blush color his skin. He thanked the gods he was wearing a mask to hide his rosy skin. The silver haired man met her gaze and she tipped her head a tiny bit to acknowledge him. He repeated the gesture before Tsunade stood and began introducing Mare to the two men.

They all sat on the sofas around a small coffee table and began discussing the purpose of the meeting. Sasuke and Kakashi were to answer any questions about Itachi or the Sharingan that Mare may have, much to the young Uchiha's dismay.

Sasuke's cutting glare cut into Mare as he challenged her angrily, "I'm going to be the one to avenge my clan and kill my brother, not you."

"I have little interest in killing your brother," she waved him off. "I'm here strictly for Kisame Hoshigaki."

"Then why do you care about Itachi... or the Sharingan?" the kid argued, pushing his nose up at her.

"When I run into your brother, I'd rather not end up in his genjutsu. They aren't fun, are they, Sasuke?" His face dropped at her words and he clenched his teeth. She continued speaking, "Like I said, Itachi isn't my business. I only need to know how to avoid putting myself in any unnecessary peril on behalf of Kisame."

"We'll do our best to help you," Kakashi spoke up. "Right, Sasuke?"

With cold eyes still glued to Mare, he answered, "Sure."

Mare thanked Kakashi and began rattling off questions in order to help her gain any sort of leverage over the duo. She knew this mission was next to impossible. Kisame Hoshigaki was beyond powerful, and partnered with Itachi, he might as well have been a god. Mare needed every advantage she could muster to even have a hope of surviving the fight.

Kakashi was instrumental in helping Mare develop a plan to protect herself against Itachi. Even Sasuke became more interested in the conversation as time passed. After a while, Tsunade excused herself to help her assistant Shizune, leaving Sasuke and Kakashi with Mare.

Clucking her tongue gently, Mare asked Sasuke, "Do you hate your brother?"

His dark eyes shone with rage as he replied, "Yes."

"I understand how you feel. It's a difficult burden."

"How could you understand? My entire family is dead and my brother is a rogue ninja. Yet you think you could even begin to understand me? Don't make me laugh."

Her face was stony as she listened to the petulant child. The hunter-nin wanted to snatch Sasuke up and teach him a lesson, nevertheless, she kept a straight face and concentrated eye on him as she cooly responded, "I suppose you're right."

"This is a waste of my time," the Uchiha boy snapped. He then strode out the room, fuming in frustration over this stranger's assumption she understood him. No one could make sense of him because no one had suffered like he had. His entire life had been ripped away from him, which was something she couldn't comprehend. He rolled his eyes as he trudged away from the Hokage's office.

Mare silently spectated as Sasuke fled the room. Kakashi called for him; however, the boy pressed on, unwavered by his sensei. Kakashi shook his head and turned back to Mare. He spoke, "Sasuke's challenging sometimes."

"It's okay. He's angry," she replied matter-of-factly before shrugging. "Thank you for all the help. Tell Sasuke I said thank you as well, although he may not care."

"Of course. I hope you're able to bring Hoshigaki to justice."

Mare smiled softly. As Kakashi rose to leave, Mare stood along with him and remembered how she had wanted to thank him for weeks now. Here he stood, three foot in front of her, yet her mouth was frozen as his cool black eyes watched her. It seemed as if time stood still for Mare, as her stormy gaze lingered on him. However, she found her voice and said quickly, "Oh, and thank you for the book, Kakashi."

She could see the outline of his lips perk up in a smile as he responded, "My pleasure, Mare." He paused before saying, "Will you be in the village for some time?"

"I'll be here for a while, I'm sure. The Mizukage has a hefty amount of work entrusted to me here."

"Good," he replied, "this place could use a fresh face."

He turned to leave the room whenever Mare called out, "I do have one more question!"

Kakashi stopped and looked over his shoulder, "About the Sharingan?"

Mare silently shook her head and continued, "Why did you buy it for me?"

"The book?" Kakashi asked with a playful look as a nod passed from her to him.

A soft chuckle sounded through his lips and he replied in a lighthearted flirt, "I was only feeling generous. See you around, Mare." He waved to her as he exited the threshold.

She raised her hand weakly to bid him farewell and then sunk back down onto the sofa. Her elbows rested on her knees and she stared at her reflection in the glossy dark wood of the coffee table.

His name rolled around in her mind as she thought of her first true impression of him. Kakashi Hatake. Kind, mysterious, evenheaded. What else was he? A small part of Mare longed for the opportunity to learn everything about him. However, she suppressed the meaningless feelings and strapped Nuibari back onto her back.

There was no time for such foolish elementary thoughts, especially whenever Kisame was in her black book and Ezume was yet to be found. Mare's priorities were heavy, and the last thing she needed was a man to finagle his way into the pile.

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My queen

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